Savitsky S. Improving the energy efficiency of electric networks by managing power consumption in office buildings with electric heating

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 05.14.02 - Електричні станції, мережі і системи


Specialized Academic Board



Object of the study - dynamic processes in the electrical network, pytayuschyh consumers-regulators. Dyssertatsyonnoy aim of work javljaetsja Improvement energy efficiency based on electrical networks Introduction novyh эnerhosberehayuschyh methods and funds management эlektropotreblenyem admynystratyvnыh for heating buildings. The basis of the work provisions sistemny approach when conducting Theoretically and эksperymentalnыh of research, osnovannыy on fundamentalnыh POSITION, calculation theory of electrical networks, Global teplotehnyky, theory of automatic regulation, Stability theory raspredelennыh systems, probability theory and statistics matematycheskoy. Results dyssertatsyonnoy vnedrenы work in practice proektnuyu and эkspluatatsyonnuyu company "Kyevpromэlektroproekt" (d .. Kiev), LLC "Bost-Teploservis" (d .. Kharkiv), as well as yspolzuyutsya uchebnom protsesse NTU "HPI" IN TIME graduate Design and Preparation studentov of electrical specialties. Nauchnaya novelty: For the first control method is designed эnerhopotreblenyem consumer regulator with forecasting, otlychayuschyysya uchetom of known as inertial characteristics of the consumer and the grid (patent of Ukraine for poleznuyu model №74745, 81276) usovershenstvovana matematycheskaya load forecasting model of consumer-regulator, kotoraja allows us osuschestvyt prohnozyruyuschye raschetы parameters rehulyruyuscheho Impact for podderzhanyya zadannыh эkspluatatsyonnыh characteristics of the object; usovershenstvovan method vыravnyvanyya Graphics load, kotoryya otlychaetsya topics in something kachestve consumers, regulators yspolzuyutsya system teplosnabzhenyya admynystratyvnыh deposited with эlektronahrevatelem teplovыm and Batteries. Using Scope: Teaching Process.


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