Vanchenko L. Features of psychological support of personnel management system in railway transport.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 19.00.05 - Соціальна психологія; психологія соціальної роботи


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.453.01

G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation research is devoted to the study of the relationship between the image of the railway and customer satisfaction in mobility. The paper analyzed various approaches to determining the state of the image and meeting the needs of passengers in mobility, as well as outlined approaches to managing the image. On the other hand, there is a large number of transport services, secure mobility, and community mobility, I'm looking for comprehensive services, which include comfort, security, widespread access, and a wide range of public amenities. The dissertation is dedicated to analysis of psychological arrangement of staff management system in railway transport. The thesis consists of theoretical foundation, methodological basis and results of empirical researches concerning the given topic. In accordance with the Development Strategy "Ukraine - 2020" validated by the Decree of the President of Ukraine of January 12, 2015 №5 / 2015, the priorities of transport reform strategy were determined. The reform will grant the establishment of European approach. The reform's main objective is the development of competition among means of railway transport and boost in industry efficiency, which requires making management decisions concerning enhancement of structure, methods and principles of railway transport management. That is why one of the most essential components of efficient industry reform is the establishment of up-to-date system of psychological support in staff management in railway transport. The system supplements the development of concept of staff management, psychological audit, selection, adaptation, motivation, dismissal, evaluation, education, staff development, career and management and corporate organization culture. Railway transport staff management is a complex system, that processes considerable amount of information and manages numerous staff members taking into consideration the peculiarities of Ukrainian mentality in different regions of Ukraine and industry peculiarities of railway transport. The thesis consists of theoretical foundation, methodological basis and results of empirical researches concerning the given problem. Considered for the first time were the fundamental approaches to railway transport staff management in context of historical periods, social-psychological peculiarities, psychological problems of railway transport staff management, a concept of psychological arrangement of staff management system in railway transport as well as its implementation model were defined.

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