Kaminska M. Clinical-experimental investigation of the combined effect produced by xenobiotics on periodontal tissues and pharmacological correction of clinical and biochemical disorders

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.22 - Стоматологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 20.601.01

Ivano-Frankivsk national medical university


The dissertation demonstrates the study regarding toxic effect of xenobiotics on periodontal tissues and pharmacological correction of some clinical and biochemical disorders observed in 113 patients diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis of initial, I and II degree (30 individuals with healthy periodontium, 83 patients were affected by chronic periodontitis) and in 104 white randomly chosen rats by experiment. The investigations demonstrate periodontal irregularities. The research shows the content of macro- and microelements in the bone tissue gained by separate and combined Cadmium and Nitrate intoxications over the experiment. The pathogenetic correction of the detected disarrangements was established. The complex of prophylaxis and treatment (Calcimine Advance, Cylix, Holisal gel and Stomatidin) was introduced and implemented in the patients affected by harmful environmental factors. The efficiency of the recommended treatment was proved by clinical, biochemical and radiological examinations soon after and postponed investigations. Key words: generalized chronic periodontitis, Cadmium Chloride, Sodium Nitrite, conditionally contaminated area, conditionally clean area. Branch-Medicine.


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