Strukova O. Socio-psychological features of the motivational sphere of women in business

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 19.00.05 - Соціальна психологія; психологія соціальної роботи


Specialized Academic Board

Д 29.051.11

Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University


Object: features of women's motivation in business; purpose: theoretical ground and empiric study of features of socially-psychological socio-psychological features of the motivational sphere of women in business and identify the specifics of its implementation; methods: analysis, experiment; novelty: the social and psychological features of the motivational sphere of women in business are revealed and the differentiating components of the motivational sphere of women and men engaged in business are differentiated; the specifics of self-attitude of women engaged in business as the inner core of the motivational sphere are determined; revealed the main differences in achievement motivation, social creativity, ontogenetic reflection and the quality of life index of women in business; the role of barrier and realization of social and personal values in the construction of the motivational sphere of women in business is revealed and the specifics of realization of the motivational sphere of women in business are revealed; results of research: developed methodical recommendations for improving the motivational sphere of women in business; branch: psychology.


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