Shyshko N. Social Internet practices as a factor of the psychological well-being of senior pupils

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 19.00.05 - Соціальна психологія; психологія соціальної роботи


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.457.01

Institute for Social and Political Psychology NABS of Ukraine


The thesis is devoted to the study of the impact of social internet-practices on the psychological well-being of seniors. A three-vector model of the psychological well-being of senior pupils and the express version of psychological well-being questionnaire is presented. Model of the impact of social Internet practices on the psychological well-being of senior pupils which considers the content of practices, situational and targeted self-regulation of their realization is developed. Peculiarities of psychological well-being of active and inactive users of various social internet-practices are described. The characteristics of the influence of the content of some social Internet practices and certain purposes of using the Internet on the psychological well-being of seniors are established. Peculiarities of situational and targeted self-regulation of social Internet practices of high school pupils with different levels of psychological well-being are studied. Risk groups among senior pupils are identified according to the parameters of their targeted self-regulation of the internet-practices. The description of preventive and corrective work with those groups and general recommendations are provided.


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