Sorokhtei V. Strength and deformability of flat reinforced concrete monolithic floors with unidirectional inserts

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 05.23.01 - Будівельні конструкції, будівлі та споруди


Specialized Academic Board

Д 35.052.17

Lviv Polytechnic National University


The dissertation is devoted to topical issues of developing propositions for the calculation of structural support with unidirectional inserts and obtaining new firmness and deformability characteristics in order to improve the method of calculation of ferroconcrete monolithic structural support with unidirectional insets. The program of testings of structural support and its fragments is developed, experimental-industrial approbation is actualized and technical-economic efficiency of application of such structural support in construction of monolithic ferroconcrete frameworks of residential, administrative and industrial buildings is defined. The main content of the dissertation. The dissertation work is devoted to actual questions of experimental-theoretical researches of overlappings with effective inserts connected with essential economy of concrete and armature at their manufacturing. construction of monolithic reinforced concrete frames of residential, administrative and industrial buildings. As a result of a set of theoretical and experimental studies, the following scientific results were obtained: - new experimental data on the strength and deformability of slab fragments of the floor with unidirectional inserts; - new experimental data on the deformability of the floor of significant size in terms of unidirectional inserts; - for the first time features of work of overlapping with unidirectional inserts in the longitudinal and cross directions are established; - developed proposals for calculating the strength and deformability of monolithic reinforced concrete floors with unidirectional inserts.


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