Vysotska M. Heat and cold supply based on the transformation of integrated energy of cold water and air flows

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 05.23.03 - Вентиляція, освітлення та теплогазопостачання


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.056.07

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture


SUMMARY Vysotska MV Heat and cold supply based on the transformation of integrated energy of cold water and air flows. - Manuscript. The dissertation on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences on a specialty 05.23.03 - Ventilation, lighting and heat supply. - Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, 2021 The work is devoted to the improvement of energy-saving technologies of heat and cold supply systems on the basis of integrated energy of low-temperature sources. The expediency of using incoming cold water as a low-temperature source for heat pump systems of heat and cold supply integrated with the heat of ventilation air, including process its deep cooling. Based on the generalization of the results of field studies of the temperature of cold water entering the buildings of the Odessa region, the sinusoidal dependence of its seasonal change with a displacement of the amplitude of 9 ° C relative to the average annual temperature 16.5 ° C, which can also be adapted to conditions of the second climatic zone of Ukraine. The expediency of using this water as a low-temperature source for heat pump systems of heat and cold supply integrated with the heat of ventilation air, including process its deep cooling. A new heat pump system for heat supply based on the integrated energy of cold water and air flows with pneumohydraulic stabilization of transformer processes has been developed (US Pat. No. 109848). As a result of analytical research of the offered system the modified dependence of the actual conversion factor containing initial data and mode parameters which allow to search for rational conditions of highly efficient transformation and energy consumption in heat supply systems is established. The regularity of change of damping air flow in the conditions of variable water pressure at the entrance to the building and its reduction during further passage through the evaporator, condenser and corresponding subscriber subsystems is established on the basis of the offered physical and mathematical models of stabilization of pneumohydraulic mode in the improved heat pump system. According to the results of the analytical study of the improved system, the dependence for the predicted assessment of fuel economy depending on the parameters of the integrated low-temperature source and energy of the subscriber's heat consumption is established. work with the boiler. It is shown that in these modes fuel savings from 42 to 100% during the year are provided. Keywords: heat pump, conversion factor, heat supply systems, low temperature sources, enthalpy, fuel consumption, energy efficiency indicators.


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