Dorosh L. Monitoring of technogenic-dangerous objects by means of radar interferometry

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 05.24.01 - Геодезія та картографія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 35.052.12

Lviv Polytechnic National University


The dissertation work substantiates the necessity of monitoring the vertical displacements at technogenically dangerous objects and infrastructure facilities.. The paper presents the world experience of using radar data in the field of engineering and geodesy. In order to solve the engineering-geodetic tasks, a scheme of applying the radar systems was worked out and supplemented. The research paper provides the theoretical bases of radar imaging. It highlights the basic principles of radar systems functioning and their characteristics. It analyzes the sources of radar image distortions, the reasons of their occurrence and ways of reducing their impact on the research results. The main stages of radar image processing were studied, the methods for their implementation were adopted. The relevant conclusions were made concerning the advantages and disadvantages of using the methods of radar data processing. The research work offers a complex range of methods for radar data processing to monitor the technogenically dangerous objects. The comparative analysis was performed with regard to applying the methods of permanent reflecting shields (PS) and small baselines (SBAS) for radar image processing. The accuracy of radar measurements depending on the type of underlying survey surface has been studied. Comparative analysis of radar interferometry data with data of terrestrial geodetic methods is performed.


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