Balik S. Material and moral incentives of the NPU employees

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 12.00.05 - Трудове право; право соціального забезпечення


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.700.02

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs


The thesis is devoted to the problem of material and moral incentives of the employees of the National Police of Ukraine. The thesis provides a theoretical generalization and a new solution to the scientific problem, which is to clarify the nature, content and features of material and moral incentives of the NPU employees, based on which to develop proposals and recommendations aimed at improving the norms of the current legislation in the relevant area. The legal nature and classification of incentives applied to police officers are clarified. The concept is defined and the content of material incentives of the employees of the National Police of Ukraine is revealed. The essence and types of moral incentives for police officers are established. The characteristic of the legal basis for the application of incentives to police officers is provided and the place among them of labor law norms is clarified. The range of principles of application of moral and material incentives to police officers is outlined. The grounds and conditions for the application of moral and material incentives to police officers are clarified. T


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