Starushchenko Y. Mechanisms of public administration in the field of development of professional culture of civil servants

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 25.00.02 - Механізми державного управління


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.142.04

Private Joint-Stock Company "Higher Educational Institution" Interregional Academy of Personnel Management "


Mechanisms of state management in the field of professional culture development are a set of connected tools aimed at achieving goals in this field. The main attention is paid to the role of professional culture in public administration, in particular, its influence on the effectiveness of management processes and the formation of personnel potential. Public administration contributes to the training and improvement of the qualifications of civil servants, which affects the quality of administration and the implementation of the strategic goals of the state. It is important to systematically update the components of professional culture development, such as training programs, mentoring, corporate initiatives, ethical standards and motivation systems. Effective professional culture of civil servants contributes to the quality of work and a positive image of civil service. It is necessary to adapt development mechanisms to changes in society and management requirements. The efficiency of the work of civil servants and the quality of management depend on the improvement of the mentioned mechanisms. It is necessary to constantly improve these mechanisms and ensure their adaptation to changes in society. This will contribute to the strengthening of public trust in state institutions and will increase the effectiveness of state bodies. Modernization of professional culture is observed in domestic practice, but there are challenges that limit the effectiveness of civil servants. It is necessary to improve the quality of training, motivation and interaction with the public. The modern stage of technological development opens up new opportunities for improving professional culture in the public sector. It is important to properly integrate digital tools and combine them with ongoing training of civil servants. In war and post-war conditions, it is important to focus attention on the flexibility, professional development and psychological stability of civil servants. In the field of development of the professional culture of public administration, there are complex mechanisms aimed at achieving goals in this field. The main emphasis is placed on the role of professional culture in effective management, which includes values, norms, knowledge and skills necessary to ensure the success of management processes and the formation of personnel potential. Public administration contributes to the training and improvement of the qualifications of civil servants, which is reflected in the quality of management and the performance of strategic tasks. Training programs, mentoring, corporate initiatives, ethical standards and motivation systems are key components of professional culture development. It is necessary to constantly update these mechanisms for the purpose of continuous improvement. Effective professional culture not only ensures high quality of work, but also has a positive effect on the image of the civil service. It is important to constantly improve and adapt development mechanisms to changes in society and management requirements. This will help increase trust in state institutions and the efficiency of state bodies. Modernization of professional culture is observed in domestic practice, but there are challenges that limit the effectiveness of civil servants. It is necessary to focus on improving the quality of training, motivation and interaction with the public. Modern technologies open up new opportunities for improving professional culture in the public sector, especially in connection with digitalization. For successful implementation of digital tools, it is necessary to combine them with continuous training of civil servants. In war and post-war conditions, it is important to focus attention on the flexibility, professional development and psychological stability of civil servants

Research papers

Старущенко Я. В. Аналіз сучасного стану реалізації культурних прав і свобод громадян в Україні. Публічне урядування. № 3 (31), 2022 р. С. 70-75. URL:

Старущенко Я. В. Аналіз зарубіжного досвіду управлінської діяльності у сфері забезпечення культурних прав громадян. Публічне урядування. № 4 (32) 2022 р. С. 60-65. URL:

Старущенко Я. В. Порівняльний аналіз культури державної служби в Україні та європейському союзі. Інвестиції: практика та досвід № 10, 2023 р. С. 152-155. URL:

Starushchenko Y. V. Improvement of public administration mechanisms regarding the formation of civil servant culture in Ukraine scientific. Journal of polonia university № 2 (57), 2023 р. URL :

Старущенко Я. В. Сутність та особливості соціокультурного аспекту у формуванні культури державного службовця. Публічне управління та митне адміністрування. № 2 (37), 2023 р. С. 90-94. URL:

Старущенко Я. В. Аналіз зарубіжного досвіду управлінської діяльності у сфері забезпечення культурних прав громадян. Матеріали VI Всеукраїнської звітної науково-практичної конференції “Проблеми і 14 перспективи соціально-економічного розвитку в умовах модернізаційних процесів в Україні та світі”. м. Київ, МАУП, 8 грудня 2022 р. С. 355-357.

Старущенко Я. В. Система культурних прав і свобод громадян як основа державної політики в Україні. Міжнародної науково-практичної Інтернет-конференції. Актуальні проблеми та перспективи соціальноекономічного розвитку регіону в умовах сучасних глобальних викликів. м. Кременчук. 23 березня 2023 р. С. 333-336.

Staruschenko Y. V. Peculiarities of the formation of the culture of civil servants in Ukraine. Матеріали X Міжнародної науково-практичної Інтернетконференції. м. Полтава 27 квітня 2023 року. С. 49-51.

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