Nedzvetskaya O. Clinical Manifestation and Pathogenetical Mechanisms of Retinopathy in the Patients with Juvenile Diabetes Melitus, Methods of Treatment (clinico-experimental investigation)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.18 - Очні хвороби


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.556.01

State Institution "The Filatov Institute of Eye Disease and Tissue Therapy of NAMS of Ukraine"


Development of different forms of retinopathy and optical neyropathy in patients with the juvenile diabetes the І type. A purpose is a rise of efficiency of treatment of juvenile diabetic retinopathy (JDR). Methods are ophthalmological: oculography, perimetry, vizocontrastoperimetry, polarization fluorescent lymfoangioscopy; biochemical, immunological, histomorfological. Apparatus: crack lamp ShL-2B, camera, oculograph, spheropetimetr, microscope. First it was set, that the lymph outflow and vegetovascular regulation has pathogenetic role in JDR, which stimulate early vazoproliferation. Grounded expedience of application of transcutaneus magnetolaser irradiation of blood in the complex treatment of patients with JDR, which is instrumental in acceleration of speed of blood flow in the central artery of retina on 16,5% comparative from initial at the preprolipherative JDR and on 11,5% at prolipherative; to acceleration of lymph flow on 25,4% at preprolipherative and on 12, 1% at prolipherative JDR. A method is inculcated in the CCH № 14, Kharkov RCH, HSMU, HMAPE, SumSU, Sum RCH. A sphere of use is medicine, ophthalmology.


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