Бида В. Principles of orthopedic treatment the а pathology toothjaw system at low height bite, it prognostication and prophylaxis Кількісні характеристики дисертації

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.22 - Стоматологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.003.05

Bogomolets National Medical University, Ministry of Health of Ukraine


the object - is ill with a decrease of an altitude of an occlusion of a different degree; the aims to the ethio-pathogenetical substantiation of methods of diagnostic, prediction, preventive maintenance and increase of efficiency of orthopedic treatment ill with a decrease of an altitude of an occlusion; the methods - clinical, laboratory, experimental, roentgenology, statistical; the new is the etiological factors and pathogenetic gears of development for low height bit of the person with allowance for roles main stomatology diseases are studied and nature morphological compensating - аdaptation of changes in conditions of pathological changes; the interconditionality pathological morphological and functional changes toothjaw system is determined at a decrease of an altitude of an occlusion; the outcomes - the reasonable classification for low height bit is designed and pathogenetic, which one actuates ethio-pathogenetical aspects, clinical forms and schemes of complex treatment ill.


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