Klymenko D. Medico-social examination of patients with vestibular dysfunction, rehabilitation, readaptstion and reintegration of the disabled to society

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.19 - Оториноларингологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.611.01

State Institution "O. S. Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine"


The thesis is devoted to optimization of medico-social expert examination and rehabilitation of disabled with vestibular dysfunction. The pathophysiological reactions of the vestibular analyzer and the peculiarities of the clinical manifestations of the disease were investigated. The impact of the vestibular malfunction on the level of viability of the disabled, the rehabilitation potential, and the abilities of the disabled for readaptation and reintegration into society were studied. It was determined that peripheral lesions as well as central lesions of the analyzer condition the varied clinical picture of the chronic vestibular malfunction in patients with consequences of brain injury, chronic otitis media, or neurosensory hard-of-hearingness. We substantiated and developed a complex of diagnostic tests, a schema and technology for the clinical expert assessment of vestibular malfunction, criteria of determination of the group of invalidity and the level of disablement in percents.


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