Bondarenko V. The status of reproductive and sexual functions in males with pubertal insufficiency,mechanisms of their disorders development and treatment of those

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.14 - Ендокринологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.564.01

State Institution “V.Ya.Danilevsky Institute of Endocrine Pathology Problems of Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”


It was proved in the mechanism of forming disorders in reproductive function in men with pubertal insufficiency and idiopathic hypofertility, under the conditions of perinatal predisposition as noted in the anamnesis, a significant role belongs to absolute hypoandrogenemia, disorders in androgen-estrogen balance, as well as to hyporealization of endogenous testosterone influence. Certain dependence of sexual function on the levels of masculinization and androgenization was established in males with pubertogenesis pathology. Proctdures for stimulating reproductive and sexual functions in hypoandrogenous disorders were proposed. A method for treating hypofertility cfused by hyporealization of endogenous testosterone influence was developed


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