Ivanova N. Pathogenetic role of sex steroid hormones and fibronectin in posttraumatic reparative process in the eye and efficacy of their disorders correction

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.18 - Очні хвороби


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.556.01

State Institution "The Filatov Institute of Eye Disease and Tissue Therapy of NAMS of Ukraine"


Posttraumatic reparative process in penetrating injuries of the eye. To determine a pathogenetic role of sex steroid hormones and fibronectin in posttraumatic reparative process and to increase the treatment efficacy of patients with penetrating injuries of the eye. Ophthalmological, immunoligical, biochemical; refractometry, biomicroscopy, ultrasound examination, tonography. Slit lamp, ultrasound scanner "Ocuscan ", tonograf " Mentor classic". For the first time new links of pathogenesis of posttraumatic reparative process in patients with penetrating injuries of the eye are established. There is the decrease of level of sex steroid hormones which results to decrease of functional activity of conjunctival and corneal epitelium and immune protection factors wich conduct to the complicated course of posttraumatic reparative process. The method of complex treatment of patients with penetrating injuries of the eye and shortage of sex hormones is developed. Results are introduced in Crimean republican microsurgical center of Semashko hospital, in eye microsurgery departaments in Sevastopol, Lugansk, Kerch, Evpatoria, Yalta; in Crimean and Lugansk medical universities. The new methods of complex medical treatment allowed to increase of medical treatment efficacy of patients with eye traumas in 1,5-1.7 times. Sphere - medicine, ophthalmology.


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