Chemych M. Clinicoepidemiological and Pathogenetic Particularities of Shigellosis, Optimization of Medical Measures

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.13 - Інфекційні хвороби


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.614.01

State Institution "The L.V. Gromashevsky Institute of epidemiology and infectious diseases of NAMS” of Ukraine"


There have been researched the clinicoepidemiological particularities of the course of sporadic and epidemic shigellosis (Sh). The investigation of regional bloodstream of the mucous coat of the stomach (RBMCS) and its correlation with the functions of the organ were carried out. In acute period of Sh there was a reduction of RBMCS in all its parts, which was followed by increase of acid productive functions by decrease of acid neutralizing function and by increase of contractile function of the stomach. Those changes depended directly on the severity of the disease and didn't depend on the type of the causative agent and clinical type of Sh. It was proved, that the intake of sunamol and laktovit contributed to the rapid elimination of clinical symptomatology in the acute period of Sh, to the normalization of RBMCS and stomach functioning. The positive dynamics was observed in the treatment by polyphepan, but the simaltaneous intake of polyphepan and tsyprotin made the results worse. The use of antibacterial drugs in complex therapy caused a negative influence on the indexes. The negative effect was enhanced by the simultaneous use of two antibacterial drugs. Having taken into consideration the discovered changes, an optimal, pathogenetically well-founded therapy was worked out. There was instituted the treatment regimen of the patients who suffered from Sh. There was estimated a mathematical model of RBMCS based on the data received from the healthy people, which can allow to forecast the clinical outcome. There were suggested the criteria of risk degree of chronization of the inflammatory-destructive process on the side of the stomach after getting over Sh.


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