Kopcha V. Pathogenetic features of various forms of shigellosis and optimisation of treatment

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.13 - Інфекційні хвороби


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.614.01

State Institution "The L.V. Gromashevsky Institute of epidemiology and infectious diseases of NAMS” of Ukraine"


Morbidity with dysentery in the eastern and western parts of Ukraine as well as epidemiologic features in the conditions of peninteary system have been studied. It is shown, that HIV-infection/AIDS even at asymptomatic motion is assists in forming of prolonged convalescent carrier of shigellas and more substantial and prolonged dysbiosis of bowels. The expediency of separation of enterocolitic form of shigellosis (in 40,0 % cases) has been proved. The changes of immune condition of different-aged patients have been studied. The severity and durability of intestinal dysbiosis at shigellosis have been investigated. Adhesines, hemagglutinins as well as antilysocyme activity of modern and museum strains of shigellas and relatively pathogenic microorganisms, isolated from the patients with dysentery, have been characterized. The remedy (leaves of melissa cordial, grass of old-mans-pepper, collective fruit of alder-tree and eubiotic enterol) as well as new highly effective method of treatment the patients with shigellosis have been elaborated.


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