Belikov O. The orthopedics rehabilitation of sick with postop-erative defects of jaws and soft tissues of the face

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.22 - Стоматологія


Specialized Academic Board



The new decision of medico social problem of the present day is presented represented in the dissertation thesis of the effective rehabilitation of patients with defects of soft mild tissues of the face, jaws and palate based on a scientific ground and maxillofacial prosthesis, development elaboration of new technologies of making maxillofacial prosthetics, rational methods of and comprehensive estimation appraisal of patients before and after treatment, improvement of psycho-emotional status with providing the quality of their life.During implementation of dissertation thesis work there were offered and inculcated сlinico-technological classification of defects of maxilla and palate, method of preparation of gypsies model to direct immediate prosthetics in the resection of maxilla, construction of replacing prosthetic appliance after the one-side resection of lower bottom mandibula, criteria of estimation appraisal of process of rehabilitation of patients with prosthetic appliances-abjuratory andpost resection prosthetics appliances of maxilla (clinical-technical parameters), method of conducting support the patients with defects off soft mild tissues of a nose.


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