Kovtunenko O. Clinical morphological substantiation of prediction, diagnostics and medical treatment of patients with larynx cancer ІІІ-IV degrees

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.19 - Оториноларингологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.611.01

State Institution "O. S. Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine"


Thesis is dedicated to the issue of increasing effectiveness in treating patients with larynx cancer based on immune histochemical prediction of tumor process and determination of optimal treatment option using new medical diagnostic methods. Conducted analysis of research data has been carried of 458 patients with larynx cancer III-IV degrees (T3-4N0-3M0). Set informing of indexes of degree of tumor vascularization that to the aggressiveness of tumour process and sensitivity to chemoradiation therapy. A method of selective intra-arterial polychemotherapy and chemoembolization has been developed for patients with larynx cancer. In patients with larynx cancer presence of informing of indices of immunohistochemical markers (СК19, СК34?Е12, р53, bcl-2, Кi-67) with degree of histological tumor differentiation, relapse, sensitivity to chemoradiation therapy. There is the created system of prognostication of clinical motion of larynx cancer and grounded individual planning of treatment of patients with the cancer of larynx on the basis of complex research.


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