Ponomaryov V. Unsocialised disorder of behavior and addiction to volatile organic compounds of adolescents

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.16 - Психіатрія
  • 14.01.17 - Наркологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.566.01

State institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"


The dissertation work is complex epidemiological, clinical and psychopathological, psychodiagnostic investigation, in which combined unsocialised disorder of behavior and addiction to volatile organic compounds of adolescents are presented as a whole clinical phenomenon. With the help of conducting of epidemiological research, in which we for the first time applied the method of prove appraisal of additive status at adolescents' population, we have defined: spread of this comorbid pathology in indifferentiated population - 20,13%, structure of consumption and addictive potential of consumed inhalants. With the help of claster analysis of combinations of clinically important signs we have de-fined the risk factors of development of combined unsocialased disorder of behavior and addiction to volatile organic compounds, and three types of pathological behavior patterns: Aggressive-delincquent (habbitual phisical aggression directed to people in-volved in a conflict with the adolescent and things which belong to them), clepto-delincquent (systematic keeping of other people's values) and egressive-delincquent (systematic breaks from the places where they have to be). Diagnostical coefficients (DK) of all risk factors and pattern signs were ? +13, and measures of informativeness Koolbuck J (Xij)>2. The dynamics of development of unsocialased disorder of behavior of VOC- ad-dicted adolescents is presentd by two different stages: predispositional and clinical. Transformation of predispositional stage into clinical is usually at the time of the third intercrisis period (at the age of 11 years), and the formation of pathological behavior pattern completes at 12-14 years (the first phase of pubertate). Pathoplastic factor of development of VOC-addicted adolescents is infantilism, condition of development is disturbed onthogenesis and complex cause factor of development is the action of bio-logical, individual psychological and social factors in the third crisis period of onthoge-netic drvelopment, which interract and aggrovate each other. We have proved, that clinical dynamic characteristics of addiction to VOC with combined pathology are invariant and connected with the type of prevalent pathological behavioral pattern and specific factors of personal anavnesis: the beginning of consump-tion and doze of inhalant. The survey allowed to offer clinical systematics of combined unsocialized disorder of behavior and addiction to VOC and to define three of its clini-cal forms: aggressive-delincquent, clepto-delincquent and egressive-delincquent. The complex two-variant system of therapy of combined pathology, which in-cludes applying drug- and non-drug therapy (psychotherapy and phisiotherapy), was worked out. The effectiveness of treatment in which microwave bioresonance informational puncture therapy with the use of electromagnetic radiation of ultra-high freacquency and law intensiveness was proved. Key words: unsocialised disorder of behavior, addiction to volatile organic com-pounds, adolescents, comorbid disorders, mechanisms of forming, clinical peculiarities, treatment.


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