Lyulyov O. Macroeconomic stability of the national economy: social, political, and marketing determinants

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

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  • 08.00.03 - Економіка та управління національним господарством


Specialized Academic Board

Д 55.051.06

Sumy State University


The thesis determines the classification system of approaches to defining the macroeconomic stability of the national economy. The author interprets of the essence of macroeconomic stability of the national economy as a development which characterized by the low level of the volatility of the main macroeconomic parameters in relation to the target trends, dynamically stable or progressive in-stitutional, functional and resource capacity of the economy to avoid the negative effects of the endogenous and the exogenous transformations. The author develop the conceptual bases of the management system for-mation of the national economics which orient to achieve the macroeconomic sta-bility of the national economy through the substantiating of the essence of its basic parameters and systematically-grounding determinants (economic, political and marketing), taking to account theirs mutual influence, as well as the consider-ing its influence to forecast and regulate of long-term development of the national economy, ensuring stable rates of economic growth. On the results of the typology of approaches to estimate the level of the macroeconomic stability of the national economy, the author proposes the inte-grated approach to estimate macroeconomic stability which bases on the Penta-gon concept, systematically combines the static and cyclical components of the macroeconomic stability of the national economy. This approach allows estimat-ing the conversion of the state policy for achieving the macroeconomic stability of the national economy. On the basis of analysis of the drivers and range of im-pulses for accelerating the transformation processes of the national economy the author allocates social, political and marketing determinates of the macroeconom-ic stability which allows to extend the forecast horizon and to generate the sce-narios for the macroeconomic processes’ development corresponds to the endog-enous and the exogenous changes. The author determines the social determinants for growing the level of the macroeconomic stability of the national economy considering the vectors’ prox-imity of reforms in the Ukrainian social sector and countries – new EU members and base on the principals of σ-convergence and β-convergence. It allows identi-fying the drivers to indicate the Ukrainian social reforms’ trajectory for achieving the macroeconomic stability of the national economy. Under the research, the au-thor checks the hypothesis about the subjective-object influence of macroeconom-ic stability level and social progress of the national economy. On the basis of the developed methodological principles and methodical tools for estimating the so-cial progress of the national economy in the context of the macroeconomic stabil-ity growth, which, unlike the existing approaches, was carried out through the in-tegrated indicator, allows to allocate strategies (quasi-integration growth, conver-gent diversification, progressive growth) for implementing reforms of the national economy to achieve the macroeconomic stability and social progress. Integral assessment of the political institutions effectiveness of the national economy, taking into account the power and impact’s direction of the political stability on the macroeconomic stability, the rule of law, corruption control, the efficiency of governance, the probability of the unconstitutional political destabi-lization, the ability of the government to openly pursue policies and regulatory measures, to take into account the people's opinion in the formation of the politi-cal institutions, accountability of the public authorities allowed to develop the dynamic panel model that considering the effect of the chain reaction “efficiency of the political institutions in the previous year, the level of the macroeconomic stability in the previous year, the level of the macroeconomic stability in the cur-rent year” and to check the hypothesis of convergent influence social and political determinants on the macroeconomic stability of the national economy. The existence of the linking between the perception of the country's brand by the non-residents and the macroeconomic indicators of the country's using of its brand allowed to allocate and empirically confirm the hypothesis that the re-quirements to transform the country's brand into a dynamic marketing determi-nant of the macroeconomic stability growth is dominant in the country's stabiliz-ing social value behavioural models. Keywords: country brand, state regulation, economic development, the effi-ciency of political institutes, competitiveness, macroeconomic stability, macroe-conomic processes, national economy, social progress, social and value determi-nants.


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