Shybaieva N. Organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy in the agrarian sector

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


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  • 08.00.03 - Економіка та управління національним господарством


Specialized Academic Board

Д 44.877.01

Higher educational institution of Ukoopspilks "Poltava University of Economics and Trade"


Object: regulatory policy processes in the agrarian sector. Purpose: development of theoretical and methodological, methodological and applied bases for improvement of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy in the agrarian sector of the national economy. Methods: the unity of historical and logical, generalization and systematization, induction and deduction, systemic, dichroic, statistical, graphical, typological, predictive, factor analysis, correlation and regression analysis. It is offered: for the first time: methodological principles of the study of the architectonics of the functional, institutional, and procedural components of the organizational economic mechanism of the formation and implementation of regulatory policy at different levels of state regulation have been proposed; complex of measures for improving organizational economic mechanism of Ukrainian regulatory policy in agriculture at the stage of its formation and implementation was determined; the methodological principles of the complex assessment of the effectiveness of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy in the agrarian sector are grounded on the basis of a system of indicators; improved: organizational and economic principles based on the concept of multifunctionality of agriculture in regulatory policy in agriculture; conceptual approach to the development of regulatory policies; methodical approach to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the institutional component of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy; theoretical approach to the allocation of stages of the reform of the national system of technical regulation of the agrarian sphere;; developed further: theoretical and methodological approach to the study of modern state regulatory policy in the agrarian sector; theoretical approach to the definition of regulatory policy; theoretical principles of the study of the transmission influence of the instruments of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy on the agrarian sphere; substantive content of the category "organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy"; theoretical approach to the identification of the contradictions of the regulatory policy of Ukraine in the conditions of low efficiency of institutionalization of the agrarian sphere; scientific approach to the definition of the role of organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy in the process of ensuring the institutional efficiency of the agrarian sector; conceptual bases of adaptation of the organizational and economic mechanism of the regulatory policy of Ukraine to the EU common agricultural policy; scientific substantiation of the functional purpose of a moratorium on the sale of agricultural land as an instrument of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy; conceptual principles of the introduction of public-public-private partnership into the structure of the organizational and economic mechanism of regulatory policy. Scope: agrarian sector.


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