Boichuk V. Synthesis, structural, morphological and electrochemical properties of nanocomposite systems based on Ni and Mo compounnds and carbon materials.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 01.04.18 - Фізика і хімія поверхні


Specialized Academic Board

Д 20.051.06

Kolomyia Educational-Scientific Institute The Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


For the first time the complete experimental study of the correlation between ob¬tai¬ning conditions and structural and morphological parameters of composite sys¬tems based on carbon nanomaterials (reduced graphene oxide (rGO), micro- and mesoporous carbon) and nickel hydroxides, molybdenum sulfides and oxides, ultra¬fine nickel-iron spinel, as well as capacitive characteristics of electrochemical ca¬pacitors based on these materials in aqueous alkaline electrolyte has been realized. The com¬parative analysis of the influence of acid and alkaline activation conditions on the electrochemical properties of porous carbon materials has been carried out. The electro¬static and Faradaic capacitance contributions to the total capacitance of electrodes ba¬sed on nitrogen doped carbon and Ni(OH)2/rGO composite materials have been established. The com¬pa¬ra¬tive study of rGO samples synthesized by Hummers and Marcano-Tour protocols have been do¬ne. The influence of components` mass ratio of composite systems ba¬sed on Ni(OH)2 or monoclinic MoO2 and rGO on capacitance of electrochemical ca¬pacitors with electrodes based on these systems has been investigated. The influence of sur¬factant type on the morphology of hydrothermally synthesized Ni(OH)2 / rGO and MoS2 / carbon composite sys¬tems has been investigated. The effect of the comp¬le¬xant type (glycine, citric acid, urea) on the gel formation and the structural peculiarities of NiFe2O4 / rGO composite materials obtained by sol-gel self-com¬bus¬tion me¬thod has been analyzed. A model of spinel phase nucleation in an aqueous so¬lu¬tion of iron and nickel salts was created and experimentally tested using the crystalloquasichemical approach and the partial charge theory. The comprehensive analysis of the influence of morphological and electrophysical properties of composite systems based on ultrafine nickel hydroxide and molybdenum oxide and sulphide, iron-nickel spinel and carbon nanomaterials on capacitive characteristics of electrochemical capacitors that are formed on their basis allowed to outline the ways of hybrid devices developing with electrostatic and pseudocapacitive mechanisms of charge accumulation.


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