Nikolaieva T. Methodology and organization of cost-orientated public real estate management

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.00.03 - Економіка та управління національним господарством


Specialized Academic Board

Д 27.855.01

University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine


In the dissertation theoretical positions of modern real estate management are systematized and developed. The problems of domestic practice and the best foreign experience are analyzed. The methodology for state regulation of separate real estate objects as well as enterprises and budget institutions real estate, state departments portfolio management are developed. The organization of the entire system of public real property management is proposed. In the theoretical part the general terminology, classification and accounting problems of management of public real estate have been analyzed, its concept has been highlighted and defined. Based on the Life-Cycle Costing concept the specificity of developed real estate of long-term use management is substantiated. Based on the latest foreign trends of applied management a complex subject area of public real property management has been formed. In the methodological part the methods and tools have been developed with the aim of the subsequent creation of state regulations and norms for cost-oriented management of design, construction, maintenance and long-term operation of public enterprises and budgetary institutions real estate. Considerable attention has been paid to the application of the newest information technologies and tools for real estate portfolios, including the areas of national security, education, operation of administrative buildings and housing stock. In the organizational part the integral organizational structure of the effective state control and financing of public real estate in Ukraine on the departmental and national levels has been proposed. Keywords: property, real estate, state, facility, life cycle, cost, expenses, management, maintenance, operation.


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