Abdulin M. Development of thermophysical principles of fuel combustion technologies using jet-niche systems

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 05.14.06 - Технічна теплофізика та промислова теплоенергетика


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.224.01

Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of NAS of Ukraine


The dissertation is devoted to the development of new advanced technologies of fuel combustion on the basis of jet - niche systems. For the development of thermophysical bases of these technologies, a complex of experimental studies of all aspects of the workflow of both the niche jet module and the system of such modules in isothermal conditions and during combustion (distribution of fuel, mixture formation, arson, combustion and formation of necessary fields of speed, temperatures and concentrations) was carried out. It is shown that the jet-niche module ensures the efficiency of all stages of the workflow of the burner device. The identity of the characteristics of combustion processes for individual modular systems is the basis for the implementation of the modular principle of designing burner devices with jet-niche systems. On the basis of CFD modeling for the development of burners, a complex of studies of heat exchange and aerodynamics in special systems of their «self-cooling» by fuel was performed. According to the results of the performed researches, technical solutions and effective designs of the PP have been developed. More than 100 types and models of PP developed in SE «Certification Research Center» have been certified. The right to install the developed burners on the boilers of Monastyryshchensky, Biysky, Dorohobuzhsky and other boiler plants has been obtained. Jet-niche-technology based burners provides: the ignition of a fire-fighting object at a gas pressure of 1-2 mm of water. Art., high efficiency in the entire working range, coefficient working regulationKp> 10, the engraved resistance along the oxidant path is 2-3 times less than in traditional burnes, a wide range of steady work on excess air α = 0.7-100. The results of the work have been implemented at more than 1000 refractory objects: boilers, furnaces, dryers, heaters, etc.) in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Poland, Kazakhstan. The wide-ranging experience of operatingfire engineering facilities with jet-niche burners has shown that the payback periods of modernization, by saving gas and electricity is 0.5-1.5 years.


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