At the basis of a combination of three-dimensional and analytical calculation
methods, an important scientific-and-technical problem has been solved, which comprises
in the development of effective methods for studying of the strain-stressed state of
structural elements and units of Hydrogenerators, Generator-Motors, high-power
Turbogenerators under the influence of power and temperature loads.
The methodology of strength calculation of high-power generators is developed,
which is based on solving MCE three-dimensional problems of thermal elasticity, thermal
conductivity and gas dynamics using modern methods of computer modeling, which
allowed to conduct a detailed analysis of strain-stressed state of structures during
operational and emergency loads and also to modernize and increase the reliability of
work of a number of existing generators design.
A new approach to modeling was developed and the operation of the entire cooling
system of the generator as a whole was studied, which made it possible to more
accurately describe the speed and temperature fields in the flow, to determine the local
characteristics of heat transfer on the surfaces of parts and additional power loads arising
on them.
The tasks were formulated within the limits of a three-dimensional model and a
numerical study of the strain-stressed state in the ducts and spiders of generators under
operational power and temperature loads was carried out, and a number of new results
were obtained.
The method for calculating the strain-stressed state of the retaining ring of the rotor
of a high-power Turbinegenerator under the action of centrifugal forces from the rotor
windings, the mass forces of the retaining unit itself, the tension of the retaining ring fit
and temperature loads has been improved.
Within the limits of the three-dimensional model, the initial and boundary
conditions were given and the method for calculating the strain-stressed state of the
supporting elements of high-power electric machines was improved, as well as a study of
the strength of double-row thrust bearings of rigid and hydraulic types under operational
loads was carried out.
A method for calculating the strain-stressed state of the elastic suspension of the
stator of a high-power Turbogenerator under emergency loads caused by two-phase shortcircuit, taking into account uneven heating of the stator has been developed.
Within the limits of the three-dimensional approach, a new method has been
developed for calculating of the complex strain-stressed state of the rotor inter pole
jumper at short-circuit, which is accompanied with a sharp increase in the rotor rotational
speed, taking into account the influence of centrifugal forces, as well as temperature loads
caused by the heating of the unit during the electric current flowing, which depend on the
rotational speed of the rotor itself.
The obtained results were used at designing, production and assembly of
Hydrogenerators and Turbogenerators at State Enterprise "Plant "Electrotyazhmash", and
were also introduced into the educational process at the Department of Aerospace Heat
Engineering of the NASU (National AeroSpace University) "KhAI".
Key words: turbogenerators, hydrogenerators, strain-stressed state, strength,
thermal elasticity, emergency loads, cooler.