The work is devoted to the development of principles of construction and methods for improving the efficiency of millimeter wave telecommunication networks based on hybrid technologies, which is a relevant and economically sound direction of the development of science and technology at the present stage.
Methods of constructing millimeter wave telecommunication systems based on fiber-wireless and heterogeneous networks, stratospheric communication systems, optoelectronic methods for generating and transmitting radio signals are analyzed
A comparative analysis of noise in the millimeter wave communication channel associated with interference, optoelectronic methods for generating radio signals, including the formation of radiation in phased array, effects of molecular absorption and reradiation in the atmosphere, the results of which can be used to construct those to increase the efficiency future mobile systems.
For the first time, a quasi-optical model of a millimeter wave radio channel was developed, which takes into account losses due to the geometric discrepancy of radiation, multipath propagation taking into account the effects of multiple reflections and diffraction, absorption, which can be used to develop methods for increasing the range and availability of communication by creating signal amplification zones.
Based on the analysis of quality indicators, noise and dynamic radio-frequency characteristics of components for hybrid fiber-wireless transmission systems, a solution is proposed that combines frequency multiplication technologies based on external modulation methods, remote optical local oscillator, restoration of an optical signal from a radio signal, polarization and spectral multiplexing integrated with MIMO method, which can be used to seamless integration of telecommunication systems that operate in different frequency ranges, including in various sub-bands of millimeter waves.
Compensating adaptive methods are proposed for the integrated architecture of fiber-wireless networks and the formation of radiation in phased antenna arrays. These methods balance the limiting radio-frequency characteristics of the main components that affect the efficiency of the application of fiber-wireless technologies in millimeter wave telecommunication systems.
Recommendations have been developed for further studies of energy calculation models, optimal methods of modulation and multiplexing of signals, the choice of network architectures in the millimeter wavelength range using hybrid technologies.
Key words: millimeter wave, 5G, hybrid technologies, fiber-wireless systems, optical remote heterodyning, narrowly directed antennas, energy coverage, signal-to-noise ratio, heterogeneous technologies, energy efficiency, spectral efficiency.