Qasim N. Methodology for ensuring the quality of IoT service in the 5G network

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 05.12.02 - Телекомунікаційні системи та мережі


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.062.19

National Aviation University


The dissertation solves the actual scientific and applied problem of ensuring the quality of service of the Internet of Things in the LTE/5G standard network by developing a scientific and methodological apparatus for managing the organization of the functioning of the Internet of Things in the 5G network. 1. The concept of a 5G standard network with the provision of Internet of Things services is developed for the first time, which takes into account the characteristics of IoT devices in terms of autonomous communication between a large number of smart devices that send small data packets at the same time and using a wide range of applications, which requires infrastructure from different points of view packet size, traffic density and quality of service. 2. For the first time, a methodology for adapting the network parameters of the 5G standard with the Internet of Things network is provided, which involves the calculation of a finite set of alternative options for the network structure, which allows the decision-maker to accept alternative options for the IoT network structure based on the criterion of the quality of service in the 5G network. 3. For the first time, a conceptual model of the Internet of Things with adaptive quality management is proposed, which differs from the existing ones in that it is based on the theory of mass service and allows taking into account the characteristics of each of the nine classes of requests by priority, which makes it possible to determine the indicators averaged for all classes of requests quality of 5G network operation. 4. An improved model of interaction of UAVs with FSU nodes, which differs from the known ones in that it can be described as a mass service system, the characteristics of which depend on the distribution of nodes over the territory, the time of interaction with network nodes, the radius of service and the speed of UAV movement. 5. The LSM flight coordinator's work method for changing the router has been developed, which differs from the known ones in that, due to the knowledge of the intensity of UAV energy losses per flight and radio communications, it is possible to calculate in advance the required number of routers for the entire flight route. The scientific novelty of the method lies in the fact that the route as a whole is a multi-phase system of mass service, formed by a sequence of models of relay nodes. 6. An improved model for a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles, which differs from known ones in that the UAV swarm is represented in the form of a queue network, and the main characteristic of the model is the average duration of information transmission between swarm elements. 7. The method of building a billing system has been improved, which consists in the introduction of the concept of "unit of information exchange", where the unit can be both a block of information of a certain size (one transaction) and the number of such blocks, which allows using billing systems for charging IoT services as with high and low traffic. 8. For the first time, a methodology for ensuring the quality of IoT service in the 5G network was developed by developing a scientific and methodological apparatus for managing the organization of the functioning of the Internet of Things in the 5G network. The above scientific results make it possible to solve the problem of ensuring the quality of service of the Internet of Things in the 5G standard network.

Research papers

1. Aqeel Mahmood Jawad Abu-Alshaeer, Nameer Hashim Qasim, Haider Mahmood O Jawad Abu-Alshaeer, Mahmood Jawad Abu-Alshaeer, Khlaponin Y., Sieliukov., Marek A. Basics of application of unmanned aerial vehicles/ under edition O.V. Sieliukov. – Poland, Vocational Training Center in Nowy Sącz Zamenhofa str., 133-300 Nowy Sącz, Poland, 2022. – 310 p. ISBN-978-83-922854-2-7. Монографія

2. Qasim N.H, Khlaponin Y.I, Vlasenko M.M., Application of unmanned aerial vehicles in the field of telecommunications and the Internet of things, Інформаційно-комунікаційні технології та сталий розвиток. Колективна монографія за матеріалами ХХІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (Київ, 14-16 листопада 2022 р.) – заг. ред. С.О. Довгого. – К.: ТОВ «Видавництво «Юстон», 2022. 242 с. – С. 92–94. URL: .

3. Процик В.О., Хлапонін Ю.І., Вишняков В.М., Касім Н.Х. Методи вирішення проблеми примусу в електронних системах голосування / Methods of solving the problem of coercion in electronic voting systems. Збірник наукових праць Військового інституту Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. 2021. № 73. С.114–120. URL:

4. Касім Н.Х., Власенко М.М., Хлапонін Ю.І. Формалізація процесу управління передачею потоків трафіку на фрагменті мережі LTE. Збірник наукових праць Військового інституту Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. – 2022. – № 75. – С.88–93. URL:

5. Касім Н.Х., Сєлюков О.В., Власенко М.М., Лукова-Чуйко Н.В, Хлапонін Ю.І. Алгоритм білінгової системи мережі стандарту LTE/5G з наданням сервісів Інтернету речей / Вісник Кременчуцького національного університету імені Михайла Остроградського. – Кременчук: КрНУ, 2022. – Випуск 6(137) – С. 36–46. URL:

6. Хлапонін Ю.І. Методи керування трафіком від пристроїв Інтернету речей в мережі стандарту 5G / Ю.І. Хлапонін, М.М. Власенко, Н.Х. Касім // Телекомунікаційні та інформаційні технології. 2022. № 4 (77). С. 14–24. URL:

7. Qasim N.H., Pyliavskyi V., Solodka V. Development of test materials for assessment broadcasting video path / Розробка тестових матеріалів для оцінювання трансляції відеочастини. Cornell university journal. Ithaca, NY 14850, USA. 2019.

8. Qasim N. H., Pyliavskyi V., Solodka V. Development of test materials for assessment broadcasting video path. Electrical Engineering and Systems Science: Image and Video Processing. 2019. Vol. 1907.11406, no. 529. P. 1–16. URL: Scopus.

9. Hashim N.H., Mohsim A.H., Rafeeq R.M., Pyliavskyi V. New approach to the construction of multimedia test signals. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. Volume 8, No.6, November 2019. С. 3423-3429. URL: Scopus.

10. Qasim N.H., Omar Faris Mahmood, Ibrahim Beram Jasim. Performance Enhancement of underwater channel using polar code-OFDM paradigm / International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science. 2021/9. С. 55-62. URL:

11. Nameer Hashim, Aram H Mohsim, Ranjdr M Rafeeq, Volodymyr Pyliavskyi Color correction in image transmission with multimedia path / Корекція кольору при передачі зображення з мультимедійної частини ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied sciences. 2020. № 10. P.1183-1188. ISSN 1819-6608 URL: Scopus, Q3.

12. Khlaponin Y., Izmailova O., Qasim N., Krasovska H., Krasovska K. Management risks of dependence on key employees: identification of personnel. Workshop on "Cybersecurity Providing in Information and Telecommunication Systems" (CPITS 2021) URL: Scopus.

13. Qasim N., A Systematic review of Multi-Mode Fiber based on Dimensional Code in Optical-CDMA / A. Ghazi et al. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2021. Vol. 1860, no. 1. P. 012016. URL: Scopus.

14. Khlaponin Y., Qasim N., Vyshniakov V., Poltorak V. Concept of data protection technologies development in E-voting systems. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering technology and science. 2021. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science. Volume:03 / Issue: 09 / September, 2021. P. 40-54 URL:

15. Alaan Ghazi, S.A Aljunid, Syed Zulkarnain Syed Idrus, CBM Rashidi, Aras Al-dawoodi, Baban A Mahmood, Alaa Fareed, Mohammed U Zaenal, Nameer Hashim Qasim, Ranjdr M Rafeeq A Systematic review of Multi-Mode Fiber based on Dimensional Code in Optical CDMA / Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2021/3/1. С. 12-16 URL: Scopus.

16. Aqeel Mahmood Jawad, Nameer Hashim Qasim, Haider Mahmood Jawad, Mahmood Jawad Abu-Alshaeer, Rosdiadee Nordin, Sadik Kamel Gharghan. Near Field WPT Charging a Smart Device Based on IoT Applications. CEUR Workshop, Vol-3149 P. 124 – 131. – ISSN 1613-0073. URL: Scopus.

17. Nameer Hashim Qasim, Aqeel Mahmood Jawad Abu-Alshaeer, Khlaponin Y. Analysis of the state and prospects of LTE technology in the introduction of the Internet of things, Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science. Oslo, Norway. 2022. Vol. 84, pp. 47–51. ISSN 3453-9875 URL:

18. Sieliukov A.V., Qasim N.H., Khlaponin Y.I., Conceptual model of the mobile communication network, The Workshop on Emerging Technology Trends on the Smart Industry and the Internet of Things «TTSIIT», January 19-20th, 2022 (online), p. 20-22.

19. Omed Rafiq Fatah, Nameer Hashim Qasim, Natalia Bodnar, Aqeel Mahmood Jawad Abu-Alshaeer, Omar Saad Ahmed. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Latest Evidence on Online Shopping Intensity / Останній перегляд 11 квітня 2023. Доступно на Research Square, URL:

20. Fakher Rahim, Nataliia Bodnar, Nameer Hashim Qasim, Aqeel Mahmood Jawad, Omar Saad Ahmed. Integrating Machine Learning in Environmental DNA Metabarcoding for Improved Biodiversity Assessment: A Review and Analysis of Recent Studies / URL:

21. Fakher Rahim, Nameer Hashim Qasim, Abzal Zhumagaliuly, Kenesh Dzzhusupov. Human Cystic Echinococcosis in The Populations of MENA Countries, With A Focus on The United Arab Emirates, From 1990 To 2019: From Genetic Epidemiology of Rare Disease to Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 / Останній перегляд 1 серпня 2023. Препринт. Доступно на Research Square, URL:

22. Fakher Rahim, Kenesh Dzhusupov, Nameer Hashim Qasim, Abzal Zhumagaliuly, Nataliia Bodnar, Rabiga Khozhamkul, Toguzbaeva Karlygash. Global Prevalence of Mental Disorders Due to Covid-19 In the Central Asia: A Systematic Analysis of The Global Burden of Disease Study From 1990 to 2019 /Останній перегляд 21 серпня 2023. Препринт. Доступно на Research Square, URL:

23. Qasim N.H., Shevchenko Y.P., Pyliavskyi V.V. Analysis of methods to improve energy efficiency of digital broadcasting / Телекомунікації та радіотехніка. 2019. ISSN 0040-2508 URL: Scopus Q3.

24. Qasim N.H., Pyliavskyi V.V. Color temperature line: Forward and inverse transformation / Журнал. Фізика напівпровідників, квантова електроніка та оптоелектроніка. 2020/1/1. С.75-80. URL: Scopus, WoS, Q3.

25. Nameer Hashim Qasim, Aqeel Mahmood Jawad, Haidar Mahmood Jawad, Khlaponin Y., Nikitchyn O. Devising a traffic control method for unmanned aerial vehicles with the use of gNB-IoT in 5G / Розробка методу управління трафіком безпілотних літальних апаратів за допомогою використання gNB-IoT В 5G. Східно-Європейський Журнал передових технологій – 2022. – № 3/9 (117). – С.53–59. URL: Scopus Q3.

26. Makarenko, A., Qasim, N., Turovsky, O., Rudenko, N., Polonskyi, K., Govorun, O. Reducing the impact of interchannel interference on the efficiency of signal transmission in telecommunication systems of data transmission based on the OFDM signal. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1 (9 (121)), 82–93. Scopus, Q3.

27. Власенко М.М., Касім Н.Х., Адаптивний захист інформації/ Adaptive information protection, ІV Міжнародна науково-практична конференція “Проблеми кібербезпеки інформаційно-телекомунікаційних систем” (PCSIТS) 15-16 квітня 2021 року, тези доп. С.184-185, м. Київ. URL:

28. Касім Н.Х., Хлапонін Ю.І., Симоненко О.А. Застосування технології LTE при впровадженні інтернету речей / Application of LTE technology in the introduction of the Internet of Thing, I науково-технічна конференція "Системи і технології зв’язку, інформатизації та кібербезпеки: актуальні питання і тенденції розвитку", 25-26 листопада 2021 р., тези доп. С.148-149, м. Київ. URL:

29. Qasim N.H, Lukova-Chuiko N.V, The role of drones for evolving telecommunication and internet / Проблеми кібербезпеки інформаційно-телекомунікаційних систем: Збірник матеріалів доповідей та тез, Київ, 27–28 жовтня 2022. – Київ, 2022. – С. 112–113. URL:

30. Omed Rafiq Fatah, Nameer Qasim, The role of cyber security in military wars, Проблеми кібербезпеки інформаційно-телекомунікаційних систем: Збірник матеріалів доповідей та тез, Київ, 27–28 жовтня 2022. – Київ, 2022. – С. 114–115. URL:

31. Jawad A. M., Hashim Qasim N., Pyliavskyi V. Comparison of Metamerism Estimates in Video Paths using CAM's Models. 2022 IEEE 9th International Conference on Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S&T), Kharkiv, Ukraine, 10–12 October 2022. 2022. Scopus.

32. Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics for patients with autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis and umbrella review / Rahim F, Toguzbaeva K, Qasim NH, Dzhusupov KO, Zhumagaliuly A and Khozhamkul R. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2023. Vol. 10. Scopus, Q1.


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