The dissertation is concerned with solving a topical problem, the experimental
and theoretical study of the impact of high-energy sources of natural and artificial
origins on the characteristics of radio waves and on atmospheric and space radio
channels that are used in radar, radio navigation, telecommunications, direction-finding
radio system, etc.
The goal of the dissertation is to study the main physical processes in the
atmosphere and geospace that accompanied the impact of the Chelyabinsk and
Kamchatka meteoroids on the environment, the influence of geospace storms, typhoons,
earthquakes, launches of large rockets, and of the firing of orbital maneuvering
thrusters, as well as the influence of high-power nanosecond radio emissions, which all
are important for radio wave propagation and radio channel performance.
The theoretical and experimental studies of disturbances in the atmospheric and
space radio channels, radio wave characteristics, as well as in the parameters of the
atmosphere and the ionosphere, which arise under the action of powerful natural
(earthquakes, typhoons, large meteoroids, and geospace storms) and anthropogenic
sources (main engine and orbital maneuvering system engine burns), have been
conducted for many years. For the first time, numerical values for the disturbances in
both radiowave and atmospheric-ionospheric parameters have been obtained.
The Sun–interplanetary–medium–magnetosphere–ionosphere–atmosphere–Earth
and Earth-atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere formations are found to be complex
open dynamic nonlinear stochastic systems. The basic principles of the systems
paradigm have been developed.
The demonstration has been given of the Chelyabinsk celestial body entry and
explosion to cause appreciable (or large) disturbances in all geospheres.
Using long-term observational data, local time and seasonal dependences of the
magnitude, direction, zonal and meridional components of the wind velocity in the
mesosphere have been obtained. Its magnitudes have been shown likely to be 10 – 80
m/s with 3 – 7 m/s error.
The electron heating in the 30 – 60-km altitude range by an ultra-short pulse has
been established to be essential even when the pulse length = 1 ns and power P = 1
GW. The atmospheric breakdown in the 30 – 60-km altitude range begins to occur when
P min =0.3–1.3 GW and the frequency f 10 GHz.
The capability of observing the dynamic processes accompanying a moderate
earthquake of Richter magnitude M 5.9 has been proved to be successful.
The action of the super typhoon has been shown to be accompanied by
enhancements in the wave activity in the atmosphere, when wave processes are
generated with periods of 2 to 7 min and of 12–15 to 60–150 min. The coupling
occurring in the atmosphere–upper-atmosphere–ionosphere has been confirmed to be
carried by acoustic and gravity atmospheric waves. The greatest effect that the typhoon had on the ionosphere was revealed to occur when it had maximum energetics (8, 10,
and especially 9 October 2019).
A new classification of the ionospheric storms vs geomagnetic state has been
advanced. The first group is comprised of strong ionospheric storms, which accompany
strong magnetic storms (K p 8). The second group is comprised of strong ionospheric
storms, which accompany minor magnetic storms. The third group is comprised of
moderate ionospheric storms, which accompany strong magnetic storms. Naturally,
moderate ionospheric storms accompany moderate magnetic storms.
Experiments conducted for many years have revealed that disturbances exhibit
three groups of speeds: 0.5 – 0.7 km/s and smaller, 2 – 3 km/s, and 10 – 25 km/s. They
correspond to acoustic and atmospheric gravity waves, slow MHD, and gyrotropic
waves, respectively.
The experimental studies used the instrumentation located at the V. N. Karazin
Kharkiv National University Radiophysical Observatory (MF radar, ionosonde, HF
Doppler radar transmitting at vertical incidence, and fluxmeter magnetometer) and the
multi-frequency multiple path HF Doppler radio system for oblique-incidence sounding
of the ionosphere, which employs a software defined technology, at the Harbin
Engineering University, PRC. In some cases, the incoherent scatter radar was employed
(Institute for the Ionosphere of NAS and MES of Ukraine).