Kyryk V. Pathogenetic mechanisms of realizing the regenerative potential of somatic stem cells, taking into account the criteria of their quality and efficiency

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

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  • 14.03.04 - Патологічна фізіологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 76.600.02

Bukovinian State Medical University


The outcome of the dissertation work is the resolution of a crucial scientific and practical issue: comprehending the pathogenetic mechanisms underpinning the realization of regenerative potential of somatic stem cells derived from diverse origins, considering their criteria for their quality and efficiency of application. The fundamental mechanisms underlying the realization of regenerative potential of stem cells of proper quality include their targeted migration to the site of injury, differentiation to substitute lost structural components, immunomodulatory effects aimed at dampening local inflammation, proangiogenic effects for neovascularization and restoration of perfusion in ischemic zones, prevention of apoptosis, and suppression of fibrosis. Based on these findings, a comprehensive framework has been devised to augment the safety and efficacy of cell therapy in the context of various tissue and organ injuries. The dissertation presents the results of establishing quality criteria and evaluating the preclinical effectiveness of somatic stem cells in laboratory animal models of tissue injury. To accomplish this, technologies for isolating, cultivating, directing differentiation, and multiparametric immunophenotyping of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSCs) from adipose tissue, placenta, tissue-specific endothelial cells, and cardiac progenitor cells were developed. The study found that adipose-derived MMSCs exhibit a greater proliferative potential and population growth rate in comparison to those derived from bone marrow. However, when modelling adipose-derived stem cell niche dysfunction through ovariectomy, an increase in the population doubling time and a decrease in the potential for colony formation were observed, alongside an enhancement of adipogenesis in MMSC cultures in vitro. Transplants of adipose-derived MMSCs, differentiated in the osteogenic direction in three-dimensional micromass cultures, facilitate the regeneration of damaged bone tissue by replacing lost bone structures. These transplants exhibit improved morphological indicators of tissue restoration compared to transplants without prior differentiation. In a mouse model of critical limb ischemia, hydrogel with carbomer 974P, engrafted with adipose-derived MMSCs, supported the survival of transplanted cells and significantly enhanced perfusion, as well as improved the morpho-functional state of the damaged muscle tissue. The regenerative potential of endothelial progenitor cells was demonstrated through the restoration of perfusion in ischemic limbs and the improvement of histological indicators in muscle tissue in a model of critical limb ischemia. The use of Matrigel matrix and fibronectin as growth substrates was observed to promote the proliferation of endothelial progenitor cells and enhance their expression of endothelial markers, thereby facilitating their further implementation for therapeutic effects. It has been established that the proliferative potential and contractile activity of cardiac-derived progenitor cells in vitro decrease with an increasing age of the myocardial tissue donor. However, tissue-specific myocardial stem cells obtained from the atrial appendage exhibit superior proliferative potential and demonstrate distinct morphological and immunophenotypic characteristics when compared to cell cultures isolated from the ventricles. The study determined that the formation of cardiospheres of appropriate quality, exhibiting contractile activity in vitro and expressing troponin I, VEGFR-2, and CD31, requires the presence of cardiotrophin as a growth factor, along with a sequential change of poly-D-lysine and fibronectin as growth substrates. In a model of ischemic cardiomyopathy in mice, it was demonstrated that transplanted human placental MMSCs successfully engrafted the myocardium and exerted morphological and functional regenerative effects. When experimental studies were translated into a pilot clinical trial, the safety and efficacy of intramyocardial transplantation of human placental stem cells during surgical revascularization in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy was confirmed. This innovative approach resulted in the restoration of the heart's contractile function, a rapid and significant reduction in heart failure symptoms, and an overall improvement in the patients' quality of life. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the introduction of the latest high-tech cell therapy approaches, whose safety and effectiveness have been confirmed through experimental studies, and their translation into clinical practice. This advancement is expected to enhance the quality of complex treatment for patients with various serious diseases.

Research papers

Кирик ВМ, Бутенко ГМ. Стволовые клетки из жировой ткани: основные характеристики и перспективы клинического применения в регенеративной медицине. Журн АМН України. 2010; 16(4):576-604.

Кучук ОВ, Цупиков ОМ, Кирик ВМ. Культивирование и направленная остеогенная дифференцировка мультипотентных стромальных клеток костного мозга в культуре микромассы. Проблеми остеології. 2010; 13(4):36-41.

Бутенко ГМ, Кирик ВМ. Регенеративная медицина и стволовые клетки – проблемы и решения. Журн АМН України. 2011; 17(1):62-66.

Shablii V, Kuchma M, Kyryk V, Onishchenko G, Tsupykov O, Klymenko P, Kuchuk O, Gabrielyan A, Domanskiy T, Onischenko V, Lukash L, Lobyntseva G. Mesenchymal stromal cells from native and cryopreserved human placenta: phenotype, multipotency and in vivo migration potential. Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine. 2012; 22(2):157-160.

Шаблій ВА, Кучма МД, Кирик ВМ, Онищенко ГМ, Цупиков ОМ, Клименко ПП, Арешков ПО, Кучук ОВ, Лукаш ЛЛ, Лобинцева ГС. Фенотип і міграційний потенціал мультипотентних мезенхімних стромальних клітин з нативної та кріоконсервованої плаценти людини. Biotechnologia Acta. 2012; 5(5):34-44.

Шаблій ВА, Кучма МД, Кирик ВМ, Онищенко ГМ, Цупиков ОМ, Клименко ПП, Арешков ПО, Кучук ОВ, Салютін РВ, Лукаш ЛЛ, Лобинцева ГС. Вплив мезенхімальних стромальних клітин з нативної та кріоконсервованої плаценти людини на деякі морфо-функціональні особливості міокарда у мишей з кардіоміопатією. Вісник невідкладної і відновної медицини. 2012; 13(1):133-138.

Kuchuk OV, Kyryk VM. Stepwise differentiation of multipotent cells from murine adipose tissue in osteogenic direction. Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine. 2012; 22(2):161-164.

Поляченко ЮВ, Запольська КМ, Салютін РВ, Кучук ОВ, Кирик ВМ, Клименко ПП, Онищенко ГМ, Шаблій ВА. Перспективи застосування алогенних мультипотентних мезенхімальних стовбурових клітин для захисту жирових трансплантатів від резорбції. Клінічна хірургія. 2013; 2:60-63.

Kyryk VM. Phenotyping and sorting of murine bone marrow haematopoietic stem cells using flow cytometry. Biotechnologia Acta. 2014; 7(6):51-56. DOI:

Shablii VA, Kuchma MD, Kyryk VM, Svitina HM, Shablii YuM, Lukash LL, Lobintseva GS. Mesenchymal and trophoblast immunophenotype of multipotent stromal cells from human placenta. Biopolymers and Cell. 2014; 30(2):118-121. DOI:

Квитницкая-Рыжова ТЮ, Клименко ПП, Хаблак ГВ, Парамонова ГИ, Кирик ВМ. Структурные изменения миокарда при моделировании кардиомиопатии и ее коррекции с помощью стволовых клеток у животных разного возраста. Світ медицини та біології. 2014; 4(47):130-134.

Kuchma MD, Kyryk VM, Svitina HM, Shablii YuM, Lukash LL, Lobyntseva GS, Shablii VA. Comparative analysis of the hematopoietic progenitor cells from placenta, cord blood, and fetal liver, based on their immunophenotype. BioMed Res Int, 2015; 2015:418752. DOI:

Tsupykov O, Kyryk V, Ustymenko A, Yatsenko K, Butenko G, Skybo G. Effect of transplantation of adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells on the nervous tissue and behavioral responses in a mouse model of periventricular leukomalacia. Cell Organ Transpl. 2015; 3(1):68-73. DOI:

Tsupykov O, Ustymenko A, Kyryk V, Smozhanik E, Yatsenko K, Butenko G, Skibo G. Ultrastructural study of mouse adipose-derived stromal cells induced towards osteogenic direction. Microsc Res Tech. 2016; 79(6), 557-564. DOI:

Svitina H, Kyryk V, Skrypkina І, Kuchma M, Bukreieva T, Areshkov P, Shablii Yu, Klymenko P, Garmanchuk L, Ostapchenko L, Lobintseva G, Shablii V. Placenta-derived multipotent cells have no effect on the size and number of DMH-induced colon tumors in rats. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2017; 14(3):2135-2147. DOI:

Tsupykov O, Lushnikova I, Ustymenko A, Kyryk V, Nikandrova Y, Patseva M, Yatsenko K, Butenko G, Skibo G. Protective effects of adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells of mice on periventricular leukomalacia model in vitro. Cell Organ Transpl. 2017; 5(1):28-32. DOI:

Kyryk V, Kuchuk O, Mamchur A, Ustymenko A, Lutsenko T, Tsupykov O, Yatsenko K, Skibo G, Bilko D, Bilko N. 3D culture of murine adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in hydrogel based on carbomer 974P. Cell Organ Transpl. 2018; 6(2):195-201. DOI:

Ustymenko A, Kyryk V, Lutsenko T, Tsupykov O, Butenko G. Morphofunctional properties of adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in vitro in ovariectomized mice of different ages. Cell Organ Transpl. 2019; 7(2):158-167. DOI:

Lykhmus O, Koval L, Voytenko L, Uspenska K, Komisarenko S, Deryabina O, Shuvalova N, Kordium V, Ustymenko A, Kyryk V, Skok M. Intravenously injected mesenchymal stem cells penetrate the brain and treat inflammation-induced brain damage and memory impairment in mice. Front Pharmacol. 2019;10:355. DOI:

Shablii V, Kuchma M, Svitina H, Skrypkina I, Areshkov P, Kyryk V, Bukreeva T, Nikulina V, Shablii Iu, Lobyntseva G. High proliferative placenta-derived multipotent cells express cytokeratin 7 at low level. BioMed Res Int. 2019; 2019:2098749. DOI:

Golovynska I, Kalmukova O, Svitina H, Kyryk V, Shablii V, Senchylo N, Ostrovska G, Dzerzhinskyi M, Stepanov Yu, Golovynskyi S, Ohulchanskyy T, Liwei Liu, Garmanchuk L, Junle Qu. Morpho-functional characteristics of bone marrow multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells after activation or inhibition of epidermal growth factor and toll-like receptors or treatment with DNA intercalator cisplatin. Cytometry Part A. 2019; 95A:24-33. DOI:

Lykhmus O, Kalashnyk O, Koval L, Voytenko L, Uspenska K, Komisarenko S, Deryabina O, Shuvalova N, Kordium V, Ustymenko A, Kyryk V, Skok M. Mesenchymal stem cells or Interleukin-6 improve episodic memory of mice lacking α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Neuroscience. 2019; 413:31-44. DOI:

Ivanischev V, Ustymenko A, Kyryk V, Butenko G. Comparative morphometric study of adipose tissue in ovariectomized mice of different ages. Cell Organ Transpl. 2020; 8(1):64-69. DOI:

Yatsenko K, Lushnikova I Ustymenko A, Patseva M, Govbakh I, Kyryk V, Tsupykov O. Adipose-derived stem cells reduce lipopolysaccharide-induced myelin degradation and neuroinflammatory responses of glial cells in mice. J Pers Med. 2020; 10(3): 66. DOI:

Rubtsov V, Govbach I, Ustymenko A, Kyryk V, Tsupykov O. The effects of adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells transplantation on locomotor activity and function of the sciatic nerve in mice with peripheral neuropathy. Cell Organ Transpl. 2020; 8(2): 159-165. DOI:

Kyryk V, Ustymenko A. Isolation and phenotyping of cardiac-derived progenitor cells from neonatal mice. Cell Organ Transpl. 2021; 9(2):126-133. DOI:

Govbakh I, Kyryk V, Ustymenko A, Rubtsov V, Tsupykov O, Bulgakova N, Zavodovskiy D, Sokolowska I, Maznychenko A. Stem cell therapy enhances motor activity of triceps surae muscle in mice with hereditary peripheral neuropathy. Int J Mol Sci. 2021; 22(21):12026. DOI:

Kyryk V, Kuchuk O, Klymenko P. Regenerative effects of mouse adipose-derived multipotent stromal cells in a micromass graft for the treatment of bone injury model. Anti-Aging Eastern Europe. 2022; l(1):75-86. DOI:

Ustymenko A, Kyryk V, Butenko G. Morphofunctional characteristics of adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells from CBA/Ca mice of different ages in cell culture in vitro. Cell Organ Transpl. 2022; 10(1):46-51. DOI:

Kyryk V, Ustymenko A, Lutsenko T, Klymenko P, Tsupykov O. Regenerative effects of mouse aortic endothelial cells in a murine model of critical limb ischemia. Cell Organ Transpl. 2022; 10(2):90-96. DOI:

Kyryk V, Tsupykov O, Ustymenko A, Govbakh I, Smozhanik E, Butenko G, Skibo G. Age-related ultrastructural changes in spheroids of the adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells from ovariectomized mice. Front Cell Neurosci. 2023; 17. DOI:

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Shablii V, Kuchma M, Kyryk V, Onishchenko A, Lukash L, Lobintseva G. Characteristics of hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells isolated from cryopreserved human placental tissue. ISSCR 10th Annual Meeting, Poster Session Abstracts. Vol. 2. Yokohama (JP). 2012:95.

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