Pavliukh L. Scientific and Methodological Principles of Phytoremediation Technologies of Wastewater to Improve Environmental Safety of Wastewater Infrastructure

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 21.06.01 - Екологічна безпека


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.880.01

State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management


The dissertation is devoted to solving the scientific and applied problem of improving the environmental safety of wastewater infrastructure by developing scientific and methodological foundations of environmentally friendly technologies for phytoremediation of municipal wastewater in the context of post-war reconstruction of the state. The paper analyses the current state and prospects of innovative development of methods and technologies for improving the state of the aquatic environment. The concentrations of biogenic compounds in municipal wastewater were estimated. The choice of theoretical and experimental methods for studying the nutrient depletion in wastewater is substantiated. The metabolism of Ch. Vulgaris, Ch. Reinhardtii, O. Neglecta and E. Gracilis. According to the results of the study, it was found that the efficiency of nitrite (initial concentration 23 mg l-1), nitrate (initial concentration 9.3 mg l-1) and phosphate (initial concentration mg l-1 22.49) removal by Ch. Vulgaris was; 82.6%; 78.55%; 30.9%, respectively. According to the results of the study, it was found that the efficiency of N-NH4+ removal from synthetic wastewater with the participation of Ch. reinhardtii is 49-63 %, while P-PO43- is 6-18 % (depending on the initial concentration of nutrients). Thus, Ch. reinhardtii is, first of all, a promising microalgae species for the removal of ammonium nitrogen from wastewater. The culture of O. neglecta was sensitive to excessively high concentrations of N-NH4+ (90-140 mg l-1) and P-PO43- (26-90 mg l-1). Nevertheless, these microalgae are characterized by high functional activity, as well as high efficiency of removal of both ammonium nitrogen (60-61%) and phosphorus phosphate (43-55%) at initial concentrations of 30-50 mg l-1 and 7-14 mg l-1, respectively. It was found that Euglena gracilis is characterized by resistance to high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus. The ability of Euglena gracilis to almost completely remove ammonium nitrogen and phosphorus phosphate from the studied wastewater within 7 days was experimentally proved. Mathematical modelling of phytoremediation processes was performed. The peculiarities of using mathematical models of interaction between microalgae and biogenic pollution of the "predator-prey" type were investigated. Mathematical models of microalgae interaction with phosphates and nitrates were developed and tested, and the efficiency of microalgae use in the processes of phytoremediation of wastewater was evaluated. The thesis analyses current approaches to the organization of municipal infrastructure on the basis of environmental safety and identifies a number of problems associated with inefficiency, deterioration and obsolescence of municipal facilities. Based on a critical analysis of current approaches to the organization of municipal infrastructure, a conceptual model for the reconstruction of water treatment facilities on the basis of environmental sustainability is developed. The prospects for the development of phytoremediation technologies in the context of post-war reconstruction of the state are substantiated. Different designs of photobioreactors are analyzed and their own designs are proposed to increase the efficiency of biomass cultivation with simultaneous treatment of wastewater contaminated with nutrients. Methodological bases for decision-making in the preparation of organizational and technical measures for the restoration of wastewater infrastructure in the conditions of post-war reconstruction of the country on the basis of environmental safety have been developed. A system of target indicators has been formed, on the basis of which an organizational and target model and an algorithm for the implementation of organizational and technical measures for the restoration of wastewater infrastructure have been proposed. An organizational model for the introduction of the method of phytoremediation of wastewater into the technological process of treatment within the framework of infrastructure organization on the basis of environmental safety has been developed. A methodology for assessing the prospective level of environmental safety and the prospective results of environmental safety management of the restored infrastructure using the methods of pairwise comparisons and methods of expert evaluation is developed and proposed. A model of strategic management of infrastructure restoration is proposed, which determines the procedure for strategic planning of restoration, the procedure for assessing the prospective level of environmental safety of rebuilt or restored facilities, and the procedure for managing the environmental safety of restored infrastructure.

Research papers

1. Shamanskyi S., Boichenko S., Pavliukh L. Estimated Efficiency of Biogenic Elements Removal from Waste Water in the Ideal Displacement Photobioreactor. In: Zaporozhets A., Artemchuk V. (eds) Systems, Decision and Control in Energy II. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 2021. Vol. 346. Springer, Cham. P. 347- 361. (Scopus)

2. Shamanskyi Sergii, Boichenko Sergii, Nezbrytska Inna, Pavliukh Lesia. Cultivating of microalgae in wastewaters for biofuel and fertilizer production. Chemmotological Aspects of Sustainable Development of Transport. Springer, 2022. P.81-99. (Scopus)

3. Pavliukh L., Boichenko S., Onopa V., Tykhenko O., Topilnytskyi P., Romanchuk V., Samsin I. Resource potential for biogas production in Ukraine. Chemistry and chemical technology. 2019. Vol.13, No. 1. P.101-106. DOI: (Scopus, Q3)

4. Iryna Matvieieva, Valentyna Groza, Lesia Pavliukh, Yurii Rudyak, Yousef Ibrahim Daradkeh. Information Model of Ecological Systems on the Basis of Reliability and Radiocapacity with Application of GIS Technologies. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Cyber Hygiene co-located with 1st International Conference on Cyber Hygiene and Conflict Management in Global Information Networks. 2019. Vol. 2654. P. 593-603. (Scopus)

5. Pavliukh, L., Shamanskyi, S., Boichenko, S. and Jaworski, A. Evaluation of the potential of commercial use of microalgae in the world and in Ukraine. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology. 2020. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (Scopus, Q3)

6. Lesia Pavliukh, Sergii Shamanskyi, Roman Odarchenko, Oleh Zhelezniak, Andrii Tereshchenko. Information and mathematical model of wastewater treatment processes. Workshop on Information Technology and Mathematical Modeling for Environmental Safety. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2021. Vol. 3021. P. 189-196. (Scopus)

7. Shamanskyi, S., Boichenko, S., Khrutba, V., Barabash, O., Shkilniuk, I., Yakovlieva, A., Topilnyckyi, P., & Pavliukh, L. Improving the photobioreactor operation efficiency in the technological scheme of wastewater treatment. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2021. 6, 10 (114), 6–15. 4061.2021.248746 (Scopus, Q3)

8. Nezbrytska I., Shamanskyi S., Pavliukh L., Kharchenko G. Assessment of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorous compounds removal efficiency from different types of waste water using microalgae cultures. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies. 2022. Vol. 51 (1). P. 45-52. (Scopus, Q3)

9. Nezbrytska I., Shamanskyi S., Pavliukh, L., Gorbunova Z. Application of Euglena gracilis in wastewater treatment processes. Biotechnologia. 2022. 103(4). P. 323– 330. (Scopus, Q4).

10. Nezbrytska I., Shamanskyi S., Pavliukh L., Gorbunova Z., Horbachova O., Repeta V. (2024). Removal of Biogenic Compounds from Sewage Water in a Culture of Euglena Gracilis (EUGLENOPHYTA) In: Boichenko, S., Zaporozhets, A., Yakovlieva, A., Shkilniuk, I. (eds) Modern Technologies in Energy and Transport. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. Springer, Cham., Vol 510. P. 179-193. 3-031-44351-0_9. (Scopus).

11. Павлюх Л. І. Удосконалення технології сорбційного очищення нафтомісних стоків на прикладі ДМА “Київ” (Жуляни). Нафтова та газова промисловість України. 2013. №1. С.46-48. (Фахове видання)

12. L. Pavliukh. Oil sorbents manufacturing from plant material for water reservoirs ecological improvement. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2013. No 1(54). P. 106-108. (Фахове видання)

13. Павлюх Л. І. Ефективність рослинних відходів для очищення нафтовмісних стічних вод. Наукоємні технології. 2013. № 1(17). С.108-110. (Фахове видання)

14. Шаманський С. Й., Бойченко С. В., Павлюх Л. І. Моделювання масової та ліпідної продуктивності культивування мікроводоростей вумовах Київської області. Енергетика: економіка, технології, екологія, НТУУ “Київський політехнічний інститут ім. Ігоря Сікорського”. 2017. №4. С.184–192. (Фахове видання)

15. S. Shamanskyi, S. Boichenko L. Pavliukh. Estimating of microalgae cultivation productivity for biofuel production in Ukraine conditions. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2018. №3 (76). P.67-77. 1472.76.13161 (Фахове видання)

16. Павлюх Л.І., Черняк Л.М. Енергетичний та екологічний аспекти використання органічних відходів. Нафтогазова промисловість України. 2019. №1. С.35-39. (Фахове видання)

17. С. Бойченко, Л. Павлюх, І. Шкільнюк, А. Яковлєва, І. Матвєєва, А. Гудзь. Аналіз екологічних властивостей компонентів традиційних і альтернативних авіаційних бензинів. Наукоємні технології. 2019. Том 42, №2. С. 195-206. (Фахове видання)

18. Pavliukh L.I., Syrotina I.O. Todorovych O.S. Strategy of exhaust municipal waste landfill recultivation. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2020. Vol. 82. No 1. P.64-72. (Фахове видання)

19. Boichenko S. V., Pavliukh L., Shamansky S., Syrotina I., Todorovych O. Cascade Photobioreactor for Waste Water Treatment by Microalgae. Modern Management Review. 2020. Vol. XXV. No 27 (3). P. 17-29. (Фахове видання)

20. Shamanskyi S., Boichenko S., Pavliukh L. Wastewater treatment with bioconversion for motor fuel production. Science Rise. 2020. No 5(70). P. 66- 72. (Фахове видання)

21. Pavliukh, L. Perspectives of wastewater treatment by microalgae at an airport. Science-based technologies. Vol. 50. No 2. 2021. P.147-152. 10.18372/2310-5461.50.15693 (Фахове видання)

22. Lesia Pavliukh, Sergii Shamanskyi. A photobioreactor for micro-based wastewater treatment. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2021.Vol. 87 (2). P. 57-64. (Фахове видання)

23. L. Pavliukh, S. Shamanskyi, О. Zaiats. A flat-parallel photobioreactor design fоr sewage water treatment. Science-based technologies. 2021.Vol. 51. No 3. P. 237-244. (Фахове видання)

24. Lesia Pavliukh, Natalia Lialuk, Olena Horbachova. Assessment of biofuel production technologies from microalgae and organic waste. Science-based technologies. 2022.Vol. 54. No 5. P.155-162. (Фахове видання)

25. Sergii Shamanskyi, Lesia Pavliukh, Olena Horbachova, Victor Repeta. Analysis of concentrations of biogenic compounds discharged into water bodies with municipal wastewater. Екологічна безпека та природокористування. 2022. Issue 44. No 4. P. 15-29. (Фахове видання)

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