Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 201 - Аграрні науки та продовольство. Агрономія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.360.005

Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


Among the studied hybrids, the leaf area in Lan 59, with a row spacing of 45 cm in the flowering phase was 35.0, and with a row spacing of 70 cm - 37.1 thousand m2/ha, and the maximum in the Burgo hybrid - 43.3 and 46.1 thousand m2/ha. At the same time, the width between rows had a more significant effect on the differences in leaf area in broad-row crops in the direction of growth, but for plant densities from 200 to 240 thousand pieces/ha, deviations within the experimental error were obtained. In the interphase period of ejection of panicles - flowering the best values of photosynthetic potential were in hybrids Bianca, for row spacing 45 cm - 0.42 and Burggo - 0.33 million m2/ha, and for row spacing 70 cm in the same hybrids - 0, 40 and 0.33 million m2/ha, respectively. But the greatest photosynthetic potential was provided by the density of 220 and 240 thousand pieces/ha - 0.34 million m2/ha, and the width between rows of 70 cm - 0.32 million m2/ha was also the best. It was found that in terms of net photosynthesis productivity the hybrid of sorghum grain Lan 59 was the most effective, while in second place, in the period from the ejection of the panicle to full maturity, was the hybrid Prime - 2.53 and 5.71 g/m2 per day, respectively. But in the early stages of growth and development of sorghum plants the best in the formation of NPF were densities from 200 to 240 thousand pieces/ha (tillering - tube exit), while in the period from tube exit to flowering - densities from 160 to 220 thousand pcs/ha. But at the time of flowering - full maturity of plant density from 200 to 240 thousand pieces/ha provided NPF, respectively, 5.37-5.67 g/m2 per day. At the same time, the best values of NPF in all phases of plant development were formed at a row spacing of 45 cm. It is investigated that with increasing plant density, the grain size of the panicle naturally decreased. In particular, if with increasing plant density from 160 to 180 thousand pieces/ha, the number of grains in the panicle decreased by an average of 29 pieces. (1.75 %), then with an increase in plant density from 200 to 240 thousand pieces/ha - by 96 pieces. (6.0 %). In the variant of wide-row sowing with rows of 45 cm and 70 cm, with increasing plant density from 160 to 240 thousand pieces/ha, the number of grains in the panicle decreased by 145 pieces. (8.67 %) and 163 pcs. (9.88 %), respectively. The maximum mass of grain from the panicle was formed by the hybrid Prime - 56.7 g, which in comparison with the hybrid Lan 59 mass of grain from the panicle was greater by 1.6 g, and compared with the hybrids of Ogganа, Burggo and Bianca - by 6.5, 1.4, and 7.9 g, respectively. The weight of 1000 seeds of sorghum hybrids decreased significantly with increasing plant density in both variants of row spacing. In particular, on average over the years on the variant with 45 cm row spacing, the increase in plant density from 160 to 240 thousand units / ha led to a decrease in the weight of 1000 grains in the hybrid Lan 59 by 2.1 g (5.6 %); Oggan - 0.6 g (1.7 %); Bianca - 0.5 g (1.5 %); Prime - 2.0 g (5.2 %); Burggo - 1.0 g (2.7 %). If we analyze individual varietal agricultural techniques, the best productivity values can be obtained by growing hybrids of grain sorghum Lan 59 and Burggo, with a row spacing of 45 cm and a plant density of 240 thousand pieces/ha - 8.40 and 8.52 t/ha. It was determined that the best protein content in the experiment was provided by the Oggan hybrid - 12.84 %, and growing plants at a density of 160 to 180 thousand units/ha - 11.4 and 11.14 %. But the options for row spacing differed slightly when comparing the experimentally averaged data. The best level of protein content in the grain of all studied hybrids was at a plant density of 160 thousand units / ha for both row spacings. It was found that the best starch content in the experiment was provided by hybrids Lan 59 - 75.64 % and Burggo - 74.72 %, and growing plants at a density of 160 to 180 thousand pieces/ha - 77.64 and 75.43 %. In this case, the options for the width of the rows also differed from each other and when comparing the data averaged over the experiment, it can be argued that the preferred width was 70 cm (74.52 %). Similarly, the best level of this trait was provided by growing plants actually in compliance with plant density indicators of 160 thousand units/ha for both row spacings. It was determined that the best profit was provided by Burggo and Lan 59 hybrids with a row spacing of 45 cm and a crop density of 240 thousand units/ha - 37882 UAH/ha and 37304 UAH/ha. Also, a good level of profit was for the cultivation of hybrids Burggo and Lan 59 with a row spacing of 45 cm and a crop density of 220 thousand pieces/ha - 36114 UAH/ha and 36246 UAH/ha.


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