Herasymchuk T. Marketing of the enterprise of trade in social networks

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 075 - Управління та адміністрування. Маркетинг


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.055.033

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


The dissertation is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of marketing activities of trade enterprises in social networks and scientific The dissertation is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of marketing activities of trade enterprises in social networks and scientific substantiation of practical recommendations for their implementation. The relevance of research is due to the growing importance of marketing in social networks as the most progressive channel that can establish personal contacts with the target audience, individualize the offer for each individual consumer, strengthen its trust and commitment to the trade. It is determined that "social media" as a group of Internet applications, are based on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and allow you to create and share content created by users. The generalization of the definitions of domestic and foreign scientists allowed the author to substantiate his own position on the definition of the term "social networks" as networks of individuals connected by interpersonal relations. In the context of Web 2.0, social networks are proposed to be defined as services that allow their users to perform basic functions to meet consumer and social needs: development of a public or partially public profile within a particular social networking site; acquaintance with the list of users with whom the user has a joint contact on a site of social networks; monitoring contact lists and other users. It is revealed that the main fundamental factors of social networks are socialization; focus on interaction; personalization / customization and added value for users. Socialization trends are related to such subfactors as: social identity, social trust, virtual oral communication and increasing consumer power. Interaction orientation is manifested in four important aspects: consumer orientation, interaction configuration, consumer reaction and creation of common value. The concept of "content marketing" is formulated as a marketing business process of creating and distributing relevant content to attract, acquire a clearly defined target audience - in order to stimulate profitable actions of users. The development of social networks has contributed to the creation of social networking content communities where users consume, generate and share multimedia content on blogs, social bookmarking sites and photo and video sharing communities through the desire and need to participate based on common interests. It is proposed to single out the categories of content content in social networks as an alternative way to attract the target audience, namely: the creation of communities around the content, which are formed around the involvement and advocates of brands; creating content designed for specific community platforms, taking into account the exchange of messages between platforms for different purposes and the exchange of messages between platforms in accordance with the essence of the brand; channels taking into account the relevance of messages and the optimal consumption of content in the content communities of social networks due to the constant open conversations around the content. Factors influencing the interaction and level of involvement of consumers and followers and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns of trade enterprises in social networks are proposed. Based on the Bass diffusion model, a simulation model of the marketing activity of a trade enterprise in a social network was developed, which allowed modeling the impact of marketing on the consumer behavior of social network users. Application of the developed model of marketing activity of the trade enterprise for carrying out of optimization experiment allows to carry out a substantiation of marketing actions of the trade enterprise in a social network, concerning efficiency of advertising expenses. The implemented simulation model can be used to study marketing campaigns and be adapted to specific values of model parameters taken from the analytics of the page in Facebook Ads Manager to expand its functionality and accuracy of simulation results. A personalized approach to the organization of marketing activities in social networks, as well as identifying prospects for their improvement are based on the use of methodological approaches to the segmentation of social network users, which ensures the development of marketing campaigns taking into account variables affecting consumers.


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