Stetsevych A. Financial and credit support for the functioning and development of small and medium business in Ukrain

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 072 - Управління та адміністрування. Фінанси, банківська справа та страхування


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.883.013

Banking University


In the dissertation research the theoretical and methodological bases are deepened and practical recommendations for improvement of financial and credit maintenance of functioning and development of small and average business in Ukraine are developed. The dissertation substantiates that the main objectives of the study are to improve the model of financial and credit support in order to create conditions for successful implementation of goals and objectives of the state strategy to support small and medium businesses and increase efficiency and risk sustainability of business structures and financial organizations. and approaches to improving the efficiency of financial and credit support for the functioning and development of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine, by adapting the experience of world practices in creating financial and institutional foundations for business support and formulating directions for its optimization in the national format. The defining point of the study is the need to formulate approaches to minimize the risks of financial and credit support for the operation and development of small and medium-sized businesses, which, unlike existing ones, will be based on phased analysis of credit risk management based on multifactor situational analysis. The dissertation presents the methodology of formation, management and analysis of financial and credit support for the functioning and development of small and medium businesses. According to the results of the analysis of scientific approaches to the interpretation of the essence and content of the concept of "financial and credit support of business" it is proposed to use the authorʼs formulation based on a set of forms, methods and levers of financial influence on the functioning and development there are financial planning and forecasting, financial management, financial control, financial support, financial regulation, financial norms, standards, limits, reserves, incentives and sanctions, financial legislation. An in-depth analysis of the studied category necessitated the separation of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine and propose a holistic perception of the subjects of interaction as an open system of levers of interaction on the financial and credit components of the mechanism of capital provision. The tools of financial and credit support of small and medium business functioning on the basis of division into groups according to the scale of influence are systematized, which will lead to the possibility of forming a system of direct and indirect measures to increase the efficiency of small and medium business in Ukraine. A vertical and horizontal analysis of the structure of financial and credit support for the functioning of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine. The financial support of small and medium business in Ukraine was monitored, the methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of financial and credit support for the functioning and development of small and medium business were analyzed. The analysis of methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of financial and credit support of business substantiates the feasibility of using the method of hierarchy, which identified priority areas of conflict of interests of financial and credit relations in terms of forming the optimal capital structure of small and medium enterprises, suggest possible ways to increase their efficiency. activities and determine the parameters of possible losses. In the process of studying foreign experience in the implementation of effective financial and credit support were identified criteria for supporting small and medium-sized businesses used in world practice: government support, infrastructure development, resource potential, international support, legal protection of small and medium enterprises, qualified personnel, market support, level of innovation potential, level of business environment development, information and financial and credit support. In order to implement effective risk management in the structure of financial and credit support for the operation and development of small and medium-sized businesses, it is proposed to use a risk minimization scheme consisting of a system of actions to identify, analyze and assess probable losses. Based on the study of foreign experience, recommendations for identifying guidelines for optimizing a comprehensive model of financial and credit support for the functioning and development of small and medium-sized businesses and justified the feasibility of introducing a model of risk management process as one of the strategic areas of business finance. Key words: financial and credit provision, small and medium business, financial and credit mechanism, microcredit, financial institutions, national economy.


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