Bilokon A. Creation and activities of the state commissions of children’s aid in the 1920s -1930s.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 032 - Гуманітарні науки. Історія та археологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 74.053.021

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University


The current situation of the independent Ukrainian state and the implementation of its social policy involve cooperation of the state institutions and the public in providing assistance to children, their everyday material and social cultural support.Thus, the research of the peculiarities of the creation and functioning of the state commissions which cooperated with public committees, councils, societies and were designed to help children, solve educational, social and cultural problems of childhood in the 1920s and 1930s seems to be expedient. The aim of these organizations and the Soviet state was to consolidate the efforts of the authorities and the society in the fight against juvenile delinquency, homelessness and neglect, to improve the living conditions of children's institutions, food supply and medical care for minors. Researches of the best practices in the sphere of the implementation of the social policy by the Soviet state, its measures to organize assistance to children, the establishment of institutions to protect children, solving problems of child homelessness and neglect, social orphanhood will contribute to a comprehensive approach in solving current social and educational problems of minors by the state, educational institutions, teachers, social workers, parents, public organizations. They will also help in strengthening cooperation between the state and the public on issues of social and cultural support of children, establishing cooperation between the executive authorities and educational, health care institutions, families in child care matters, promoting awareness of the values of childhood and motherhood. The appeal to the topic is quite motivated as it will help in obtaining more objective knowledge about the organization and methods, general and regional problems of formation and activities of institutions dealing with children’s aid, fight against child’s homelessness and neglect and in generating new ideas. The practical significance of the obtained results consists of the theoretical principles, systematized data and conclusions which are formulated and substantiated in the work. They allow to expand scientific ideas about organizational and legal bases of creation and activities of the state commissions of the children’s aid in the Ukr.SSR / USSR of the 1920–1930 s. Conceptual issues and results of the research can be used in the courses of historical disciplines, built into the logics of educational programs of the higher education institutions. They can form the basis for a special course for students who are interested in the problem of state social policy in child protection, creation of state commissions of state assistance to children, formation and development of orphanages, prevention from minors’ deviant behaviour . The conclusions of the thesis can be used in the system of public administration. The research materials can complement the theoretical and practical solution of different acute problems of establishment and functioning of state organizations, commissions, committees, charity funds, social institutions for children and adolescents, child care centers, social rehabilitation centers for minors, orphanages. The research was conducted using a wide source base.. The research identified the causes of deterioration of children’s living conditions, child homelessness and crime; the degree of influence of political, social and economic factors on the development of these negative phenomena was determined; the growing role of social, economic and psychological preconditions in deteriorating children’s life, their homelessness and crime was clarified. The authors found out that the creation of the whole complex of state bodies, public organizations, which should provide active and effective assistance to children, to eliminate their homelessness began soon after the Soviet power had been established in Ukraine.


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