Larkina S. Pathophysiological background of hyaluronic acid use in skin and periodontium involutive changes complex treatment

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 222 - Медицина


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 41.600.013

Odessa National Medical University


The dissertation is devoted to the pathophysiological substantiation and determination of the effectiveness of the use of hyaluronic acid in the complex treatment of involutional changes in the skin and periodontium. We chose morphological and biochemical indicators of the functional activity of the skin and periodontal tissue of experimental animals as criteria for determining the effectiveness of the use of medicinal compounds. In the course of the work, the following tasks were supposed to be solved: to investigate the effect of hyaluronic acid of different concentrations on the morphological structures of the skin under experimental conditions; to determine the peculiarities of the functioning of the antioxidant systems of the oral cavity in the conditions of experimental periodontitis when using different concentrations of hyaluronic acid; to assess the influence of different concentrations of hyaluronic acid on osteoresorption in conditions of experimental periodontitis; evaluate the influence of different concentrations of hyaluronic acid and hydroxyapatite on osteoresorption in conditions of experimental periodontitis; to experimentally substantiate the use of hyaluronic acid for the revitalization of periodontal skin and tissues.


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