Volkova Y. Dynamics of plasma stream generated by magnetoplasma compressor with longitudinal magnetic field

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 105 - Прикладна фізика та наноматеріали

Specialized Academic Board

ID 2131

V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The thesis presents the results of the experimental studies of the influence of an external longitudinal magnetic field in the discharge channel of a magnetoplasma compressor (MPC) on fundamental processes in compressive plasma flows. The influence of the external longitudinal magnetic field in the MPC channel on the main electrical parameters of the discharge was studied in detail. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics for the modes of operation with argon and helium as working gases at different initial pressures were analyzed as a function of the external longitudinal magnetic field. It was found that the current-voltage characteristics of the discharge have a nonlinear dependence on the magnitude of the external longitudinal magnetic field. The I-V characteristics for the case when no magnetic field is applied differ from those obtained before the solenoid was installed. Such a difference is attributed to a change in the geometry of the discharge channel. The current-voltage characteristics can be described by a power-law function with sufficient accuracy that shows good agreement with theoretical models. Under a higher initial pressure of helium and, therefore, at a higher mass flow rate, the discharge voltage drops. This result is supported by the theoretical notion that the discharge voltage is inversely proportional to the integral mass flow rate. The influence of the cylindrical metal structure with a solenoid installed on the discharge channel on the electric currents flowing outside the channel was investigated when no magnetic field was applied. The presence of the structure with a solenoid on the discharge channel of the MPC led to a change in the geometry of the channel, which, in turn, caused a change in the spatial distribution of the self-magnetic field in the plasma flow outside the channel and a decrease in the ratio of the current in the stream to the magnitude of the total discharge current. The influence of the external magnetic field in the MPС channel on the distribution of the azimuthal self-magnetic field in the plasma stream outside the discharge channel was studied. Findings show that the external magnetic field imposed inside the MPC discharge channel leads to an increase in the magnitude of the self-magnetic field in the axial region along the entire length of the plasma flow. Displacement of the magnetic field from the axial part of the plasma stream that indicates the formation of a compression zone was observed. Double electric probes were used to determine the features of the local electron temperature distribution in the self-compressed plasma flow with sufficiently high spatial and temporal resolution. It has been established experimentally that the distribution function of electrons in the plasma flow of the MPC is close to the Maxwellian when no external magnetic field is applied. For the first time, the presence of two populations of electrons with different temperatures, which indicates a bi-Maxwellian electron distribution function, and an increase in the electron temperature near the axis of the plasma stream have been observed when the external longitudinal magnetic field of 0.24 T was applied in the MPC discharge channel. A detailed analysis of the dynamics of the plasma stream, the processes of the formation of the compression zone and its geometric characteristics, drift velocity, electric current, electric potential, and Ampere's force was conducted. The results show the formation of a structure of enclosed equipotentials in the plasma flow. During the application of an external magnetic field, the configuration of the enclosed equipotentials is shifted to a greater distance from the MPC output. The plasma stream has a complex structure, including clusters of concentric vortices and closed toroidal current structures observed throughout its lifetime. The external magnetic field leads to an increase in the magnitude of the electric current in the plasma stream, changes its spatial distribution, and reduces the number of current vortices. The findings demonstrate that in the presence of an external magnetic field (0.24 T), the compression zone grows, its temperature increases sixfold, and the radial component of Ampere's force goes up at least threefold. The analysis of the electric current distribution in the plasma stream revealed a structure similar to a neutral current sheet that forms during the second half-period of the discharge current. In the observed structure, which is surrounded by the plasma flow zones with oppositely directed magnetic fields, an increase in the electric current density was detected. The formation of such a structure in powerful plasma flows generated by quasistationary plasmadynamic systems has been observed for the first time. The presence of a structure similar to a neutral current sheet opens an opportunity to use the MPC for the experimental modeling of astrophysical phenomena.

Research papers

Solyakov D.G., Volkova Y.E., Cherednychenko T.N., Garkusha I.E., Ladygina M.S., Marchenko A.K., Petrov Yu.V., Chebotarev V.V., Makhlaj V.A., Staltsov V.V., Yeliseyev D.V., Trubchaninov S.A. Discharge characteristics in the MPC channel in presence of external longitudinal magnetic field // Problems of atomic science and technology. 2019. Vol. 1. P. 208-211.

Solyakov D.G., Volkova Yu.Ye., Marchenko A.K., Ladygina M.S., Staltsov V.V., Petrov Yu.V., Chebotarev V.V., Merenkova T.M., Makhlaj V.A., Yeliseyev D.V. Discharge parameters of magnetoplasma compressor: effect of external axial magnetic field // Problems of atomic science and technology. 2020. Vol. 6. P. 74-77.

Solyakov D.G., Volkova Yu.Ye., Garkusha I.E., Marchenko A.K., Ladygina M.S., Staltsov V.V., Petrov Yu.V., Chebotarev V.V., Merenkova T.M., Makhlai V.A., Yeliseyev D.V. Measurement of the local electron temperature in self-compressed plasma stream // Problems of atomic science and technology. 2021. Vol. 4. P. 149-153.

Volkova Y.Ye., Solyakov D.G., Marchenko A.K., Ladygina M.S., Petrov Y.V., Chebotarev V.V., Merenkova T.M., Makhlai V.A., Yeliseyev D.V., Staltsov V.V. Experimental study of current-sheet-like structure in pinching plasma flows with electric and magnetic probes // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2022. Vol. 6(142). P. 70-74.

Solyakov D.G., Volkova Yu.Ye., Ladygina M.S., Merenkova T.M., Marchenko A.K., Garkusha I.E., Petrov Yu.V., Chebotarev V.V., Makhlaj V.A., Kulik M.V., Staltsov V.V., Yeliseyev D.V. Distributions of magnetic field and current in pinching plasma flows: axial magnetic field effect // European Physical Journal Plus. 2021. Vol. 136. P. 566. Volkova Yu., Solyakov D., Marchenko A., Chebotarev V., Garkusha I., Makhlai V., Ladygina M., Merenkova T., Yeliseyev D., Petrov Y., Staltsov V. Structure and local parameters of self-compressed plasma streams in external magnetic field // Nukleonika. 2023. Vol. 68(1). P. 3-9.

Solyakov D.G., Volkova Y.E., Cherednychenko T.N., Ladygina M.S., Marchenko A.K., Petrov Yu.V., Chebotarev V.V., Makhlaj V.A., Yeliseyev D.V. Discharge characteristics in the mpc channel in presence of external longitudinal magnetic field // International Conference-School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 10 - 13 September, 2018, Kharkiv, Ukraine: Book of Abstracts – National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkiv, 2018 – p. 80.

Volkova Y.E., Solyakov D.G., Merenkova T.N., I.E. Garkusha, Ladygina M.S., Marchenko A.K., Petrov Yu.V., Chebotarev V.V., Makhlaj V.A., Staltsov V.V., Yeliseyev D.V. Influence of external magnetic field on MPC plasma streams // International conference on research and applications of plasmas, 15-19 July, 2019, Opole, Poland: Opole University, Opole, 2019 — p. 51.

Соляков Д.Г., Волкова Ю.Є., Гаркуша І.Є., Меренкова Т.М., Ладигіна М.С., Марченко А.К., Петров Ю.В., Чеботарьов В.В., Махлай В.О., Стальцов В.В., Єлісєєв Д.В. Вплив соленоїда зовнішнього магнітного поля на просторові розподіли струмів в плазмових потоках, що генеруються МПК // Українська конференція з фізики плазми та керованого термоядерного синтезу – 2019, 11-12 грудня 2019 р., Київ, Україна: Збірник анотацій — Інститут ядерних досліджень НАН України, Інститут теоретичної фізики ім. М.М. Боголюбова НАН України, Київ, 2019 — с. 55.

Solyakov D.G., Volkova Y.Ye., Marchenko A.K., Garkusha I.E., Makhlai V.A., Chebotarev V.V., Staltsov V.V., Merenkova T.M., Petrov Yu.V., Ladygina M.S. Influence of external magnetic field on compressive plasma flows // 15th Kudowa Summer School ”Towards Fusion Energy”, 29 June – 3 July 2020, Kudowa Zdrój, Poland: Book of Abstract — Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, 2020 — p. 56.

Соляков Д.Г., Волкова Ю.Є., Гаркуша І.Є., Марченко А.К., Ладигіна М.С., Стальцов В.В., Петров Ю.В., Чеботарьов В.В., Меренкова Т.М., Махлай В.О., Єлісєєв Д.В. Вимірювання локальної електронної температури в потоці самостисненої плазми // XV International Conference "Plasma Electronics and New Acceleration Methods", September 7-9 2021, Kharkiv, Ukraine: Program Book — National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkiv, 2021 – P. 6.

Solyakov D.G., Volkova Yu.Ye., Garkusha I.E., Marchenko A.K., Ladygina M.S., Staltsov V.V., Petrov Yu.V., Chebotarev V.V., Merenkova T.M., Makhlai V.A., Yeliseyev D.V. Measuring Properties Of Self-Compressed Plasma Streams With Probes: Influence Of External Magnetic Field // XVII International Scientific Conference Electronics and Applied Physics, 19-23 October 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine: Program Book — Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021 — PP#5 (CD issue).

Volkova Y., Solyakov D., Marchenko A., Merenkova T., Makhlai V. Structure and parameters of self-compressed plasma streams in external magnetic field // 16th Kudowa Summer School ”Towards Fusion Energy”, 6 – 10 June 2022, Kudowa Zdrój, Poland: Book of Abstract — Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, 2022 — p. 58.

Solyakov D., Volkova Y., Marchenko A., Chebotarev V., Garkusha I., Makhlai V., Petrov Y., Merenkova T. Local characteristics of self-compressed plasma streams in external magnetic field. 48th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS 2022), 27 June – 1 July 2022, Netherlands: Europhysics Conference Abstracts Volume 46A / Curran Associates, Inc.. — Mulhouse, France, 2023 — p. 253


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