Onyshchenko Y. Increasing the energy efficiency of food industry enterprises using benchmarking tools

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 141 - Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка

Specialized Academic Board


National university of food technologies


Y.D. Onishchenko Increasing the energy efficiency of food industry enterprises using benchmarking tools. - Qualifying scientific work on manuscript rights. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 141 "Electroenergetics, electrical engineering and electromechanics" - National University of Food Technologies of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv 2023. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the dissertation topic, formulates the goal, scientific task, object, subject and research methods, defines the scientific novelty and practical value of the obtained results, provides data on approval and publications, outlines the personal contribution of the recipient. The dissertation is devoted to the development of methods aimed at solving the urgent problem of increasing the level of energy efficiency of production facilities that specialize in the manufacture of food and beverages. By developing methods and tools aimed at identifying the most effective operation of a production facility followed by its detailed analysis and comparison, with the aim of identifying and introducing the most effective practices at similar enterprises. A detailed analysis of the food industry of Ukraine as a whole was conducted, based on the results of which a list of seven sub-sectors was formed. In the process of work, the individual features of energy consumption (distribution of electrical energy) of each sub-sector from the above and general points were highlighted, which made it possible to transfer the results obtained for one sector to other sub-sectors of the food industry. Management of the process of providing the enterprise with energy resources depends on the peculiarities of the production process, that is, the influence of production factors on the composition and technology of production, the production cycle, the specifics of work in progress, as well as the composition and state of production stocks. The most common mass production in the food industry is bread baking. Instead of baking bread and buns at home, industrial baking dominates. This led to rapid growth and diversification of the bakery industry. There is a wide range of bakeries, from large bakeries in cities and regional centers to small bakeries and mini-bakeries in other settlements. This fact gives recognition to the bakery industry as one of the leading industries with rather energy-intensive production processes that require optimization. In the study, a complex approach to the consistent evaluation of the energy management system of enterprises and an algorithm for its implementation using statistical controllability criteria were developed and substantiated. The possibility of creating a profile of the sub-sector of the food industry using benchmarking tools, which will include the main available characteristics of the company's performance indicators, is considered. Based on the results of the work, a procedure for comprehensive assessment of the energy efficiency level of food industry facilities based on the example of bakery production facilities is proposed, which is based on the concept of benchmarking and involves determining the quantity and quality of the energy efficiency level of food industry facilities. This work presents the developments that formed the basis of the improvement of the regulatory framework for planning improvements in the food production system, as well as the calculations for determining the potential of practical application of the developed model and means of implementing the management of the efficiency of the production system in the Ukrainian food industry.

Research papers

Онищенко Я.Д., Замулко А.І.; Аналіз тенденцій споживання енергетичних ресурсів харчовою промисловістю України. Наукові праці Національний університет харчових технологій 2019. Т.25, №4, С.102-109.

Онищенко Я.Д., Замулко А.І.; Системний підхід в енергетичному менеджменті як аналітичний засіб для оцінювання енергоємних процесів на підприємствах харчової промисловості України. Наукові праці Національний університет харчових технологій 2020. Т.26, №2. С.130-139.

Онищенко Я.Д., Замулко А.І.; Рейтингове оцінювання в задачах управління розвитком ефективного енерговикористання на підприємствах харчової промисловості (на прикладі хлібопекарських підприємств). Наукові праці Національний університет харчових технологій 2022. Т.28, №3. С.88-96

Онищенко Я.Д., Замулко А.І. Використання техноценологічного підходу для формування ієрархії заходів енергетичної ефективності на підприємствах харчової промисловості України. Science and Education a New Dimension. Natural and Technical Sciences, IX(33), Issue: 262, 2021 Dec. 26.


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