Safarians H. Professor I.M. Yeremeyev (1887-1957): scientific, pedagogical and organizational activities

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 032 - Історія та археологія


Specialized Academic Board

ID 3231

Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav


The dissertation examines the creative legacy of the famous scientist and popularizer of science and education, Professor Ivan Maksymovych Yeremeyev (1887-1957), based on a complex of representative sources and modern theoretical and methodological foundations. There are reflected his life path, the formation of his scientific outlook, pedagogical, educational, methodical, organizational, scientific activity and contribution to the development of domestic breeding and seed production. Relevance of research. At the current stage of the development of the Ukrainian state, in the conditions of socio-economic reforms, agricultural historians have an urgent need to investigate the life and creative path of outstanding scientists, to objectively assess their contribution to the formation and development of agricultural science and practice., There are not enough scientific works in Ukrainian historiography, which would reveal the creative achievements of domestic scientists based on extensive factual material. The contribution of individual figures to the history of science was kept silent for a long time, or wasn’t considered at all. Professor Ivan Maksymovych Yeremeyev belongs to the brilliant pleiad of outstanding scientists in the field of breeding and plant breeding. We expand and deepen certain aspects of the development of agrarian sciences by studying the scientific heritage of an outstanding scientist-breeder, as well we personify the scientific space with outstanding personalities of the 20th century. Nowadays, it is becoming relevant to study the scientific products of the decisive breeder, who devoted his whole life to the creation of new varieties of winter and spring wheat, oats, and other field crops. A scientifically based varietal policy is extremely important for the stable development of the agrarian sector of the economy and ensuring the economic independence of our country, which is why increasing the efficiency of selection and seed production becomes especially important. Consequently, it becomes especially relevant increasing the efficiency of selection and seed production. However, it is not sufficiently studied the important personal contribution of the famous scientist to the development of Ukrainian agricultural science. To date, there is no thorough study that would comprehensively reflect the life path and scientific and professional activity of a scientist in the development of domestic breeding. In this regard, the appearance of such a work will replenish the treasury of historical experience, will make it possible to determine priority directions for the further development of domestic science and technology. The scientific novelty of the obtained results bases on the formulation and development of an actual topic, which has not been comprehensively and objectively disclosed in historical science today. In the dissertation, for the first time in Ukrainian historiography, it is analyzed comprehensively the life path and scientific activity of Professor I. M. Yeremeyev on the basis of diverse sources in terms of content and origin; there are listed and specified little-known facts from the scientist’s life and activities, which were not previously published in scientific intelligence; there were clarified the main factors influencing the process of formation of I.M. Yeremeyev’s scientific ideology; it was developed the periodization of the scientist’s life and scientific activity, which contributed to the gradual reproduction of his role in the development of breeding science; there were analyzed the scientific works of I. M. Yeremeyev, that made it possible to significantly deepen knowledge about the further development of domestic breeding science. In the course of the research, the bibliography of the scientist’s scientific works was improved and the literature about him was organized based on the study of his scientific heritage; as well as a source knowledge base due to the introduction into scientific circulation of new and little-known archival materials about I.M. Yeremeyev, which made it possible to objectively analyze the scientist’s life and work. The direction of scientific work on the reproduction of the life path and scientific activity of domestic breeder-scientists acquired further development. The practical significance of the obtained results is that the research materials can be used in the further development of the outlined topic. Factual material, generalizations and conclusions of the dissertation research, documents and materials introduced into scientific circulation supplement significantly and expand modern knowledge on the history of the development of breeding science in Ukraine at the end of XIX - the first half of XX centuries.

Research papers

1. Сафар’янс Г. Початок наукової діяльності І. М. Єремеєва та його перші дослідження в галузі агрономії (1909–1912 рр.). Етнічна історія народів Європи. Київ, 2021. Вип.64. С.46-52

2. Сафар’янс Г. Науково-дослідна робота І. М. Єремєєва на Миронівській селекційній станції (1917-1931 рр.). Часопис української історії. Київ, 2021. Вип.44. С.119-128

3. Safarians Н. I. M. Yeremeiev’s activities at the Pushkin branch of the All-Russia Institute of Plant Industry. Історія науки і біографістика. Електронне наукове фахове видання. 2021. №2

4. Сафар’янс Г. Селекційна справа України: основні напрямки, завдання та здобутки (на прикладі деяких зернових злакових та технічних культур). Часопис Української історії. Київ, 2022. Вип.45. С.119-128

5. Сафар’янс Г.В. Внесок І.М. Єремеєва в розвиток селекційної науки України. Історія, культура, пам’ять у науковому вимірі: стан, перспективи: Матеріали IІ всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції, 21.05.2021 р., м. Київ, 2021 р. С.27-31

6. Сафар’янс Г. В. Історія становлення селекційної науки. Матеріали Всеукраїнської науково-практичної інтернет-конференції «Вітчизняна наука на зламі епох: проблеми та перспективи розвитку»: Зб. наук. праць. 24.01.2022 р., Переяслав, 2022. Вип.76. С.32-35

7. Сафар’янс Г.В. Історія селекції зернових злакових культур України. Матеріали VII Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Topical issues of modern science, society and education» (29-31 січня 2022 р.), Харків, 2022. С.1357-1362

8. Сафар’янс Г.В. Життєвий шлях та науково-педагогічна діяльність І. М. Єремеєва (1887 – 1957 рр.). Матеріали VII міжнародної науково-практичної дистанційної конференції (02-04 жовтня 2022 р.). Львів, 2002. С. 763-770

9. Safarians H.V. Ivan Maksymovych Yeremeiev: modern historiography of the problem. Science and innovation of modern world: Матеріали VII Міжнародна науково-практичної конференції. Лондон, Великобританія, 23-25 березня 2023 р. С.528-534


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