Manzahak B. Legal regulation of labour relations of employees of the State Executive Service.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 081 - Право


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 2023-15 ID2377

Yaroslav Mudryi National law university


The peculiarities of legal regulation of the labour relations of employees of the State Enforcement Service are studied comprehensively and the problems in the field of regulation of labour relations of employees of the State Enforcement Service are outlined and ways to improve the current labour legislation in the field of research are proposed in the dissertation. The author identifies and characterizes the peculiarities of the legal status of employees of the State Enforcement Service, in particular: 1) duality; 2) public authority nature of employees' official powers; 3) availability of advantages and privileges, additional legal guarantees. The author argues that an employee of the State Enforcement Service, taking into account his/her labour and legal status, is a subject of labour law who, in accordance with the provisions of labour law and special legislation, is granted labour rights and obligations which he/she exercises in the course of enforcement of decisions, and whose funding source is the State Budget of Ukraine. The author formulates a definition of the concept of "conditions of appointment to a position in the State Enforcement Service" and classifies them according to four criteria: 1) compliance of an applicant for a position with the requirements stipulated by law, which are proposed to be qualified by sectoral affiliation into a) general; b) special; c) special-specific; 2) existence of legislative restrictions – legal restrictions established by law (certain circumstances, prohibitions, limitations) which restrict the right to civil service; 3) competitive selection for a vacant civil service position; 4) appointment to a position under a special procedure. The author identifies and studies the stages of the procedure for the appointment of employees of the State Executive Service. It is proved that the provisions of the Laws of Ukraine "On Enforcement Proceedings" adopted in 2016, as well as "On Bodies and Persons Enforcing Court Decisions and Decisions of Other Bodies" have lost their systematic nature, and therefore the author substantiates the proposal to adopt a codified legal act - the Executive Code of Ukraine. The author defines the concept of "termination of labour relations of employees of the State Executive Service". Also, the author classifies the grounds for termination of labour relations of employees of the State Enforcement Service by the following characteristics: 1) depending on the sectoral affiliation: a) those regulated by labour law; b) those regulated by administrative and legal provisions; 2) by the subject of initiative a) at the initiative of a civil servant; b) at the initiative of the head of a public authority; 3) those which develop independently of the will of the parties to labour relations: a) circumstances of objective reality; b) circumstances provided for in the relevant acts; 4) those which are related to restrictions imposed on civil servants. The author offers his own definition of the concept of "remuneration of employees of the State Executive Service" as a system of social relations regulated by law and related to the establishment and implementation of regular monetary payments to civil servants for their official activities at the expense of the State budget". The author defines the salary of employees of the State Enforcement Service as remuneration measured in monetary terms and paid to such employees for the performance of their official duties. The following elements of the salary structure are singled out and studied as: official salary; allowances; bonuses; remuneration; other allowances. The author proposes to introduce legislative changes, which consist in the development and adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Remuneration of Officials of State Bodies", which should regulate the procedure, conditions and amount of remuneration of all persons engaged in labour activity in various state bodies. It is established that the remuneration of employees of the State Enforcement Service within the limits established by law is formed at the expense of a special fund of the State Budget of Ukraine, which in turn is formed at the expense of the enforcement fee collected from debtors in enforcement proceedings. Thus, the remuneration of state bailiffs does not require additional expenditures of the State Budget of Ukraine. The author characterizes the remuneration of employees of the State Enforcement

Research papers

1. Манжак Б. С. Особливості дисциплінарної відповідальності працівників органів державної виконавчої служби. Соціальне право. // Б. 2022. № 2. С. 99–106;

2. Manzhak B. S. Payment of employees of the state executive service as a means of motivating their work. The scientific heritage. 2023. N 107(107). Р. 62–66;

3. Манжак Б. С. Особливості призначення на посаду працівників органів державної виконавчої служби. Аналітично-порівняльне правознавство. // Б. 2023. № 1. С. 259–263;

4. Манжак Б. С. До питання трудо-правового статусу працівника органу державної виконавчої служби. Науковий вісник УжНУ. Серія “Право”. // Б. 2023. Вип. 75 (3). C. 55–59;

5. Манжак Б. С. Працівник органу державної виконавчої служби як спеціальний суб’єкт трудового права. Захист прав людини в умовах воєнного стану: збірник матеріалів наук.-практ. конф. (31 січня 2023 року, Харків) Харків : ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця, 2023. С. 107-110;

6. Манжак Б. С. Винагорода працівникам органів державної виконавчої служби: реалії сьогодення. Правові засади організації та здійснення публічної влади : збірник тез VІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої 85-річчю від дня народження доктора юридичних наук, професора, академіка-засновника НАПрНУ, першого Голови Конституційного Суду України Леоніда Петровича Юзькова (м. Хмельницький, 31 березня 2023 року). Хмельницький : Хмельницький університет управління та права імені Леоніда Юзькова, 2023. С. 327–329;

7. Манжак Б. С. До питання працевлаштування працівників органів державної виконавчої служби під час воєнного стану. Актуальні проблеми приватного та публічного права : матеріали V міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., присвяченої 94-річчю з дня народження члена-кореспондента НАПрН України, академіка Міжнародної кадрової академії, Заслуженого діяча науки України, доктора юридичних наук, професора Процевського О.І. (м. Харків, 31 берез. 2023 р.). Харків, 2023. С. 156–158.


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