Malik I. Technology BIO-CHAR development receiving.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 161 - Хімічні технології та інженерія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.050.115-3574

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"


The dissertation work is aimed at the development of scientific foundations and ideas for the development of charcoal production. The purpose of the work: on the basis of theoretical and experimental research, to solve an important scientific and practical task, which is characterized by scientific novelty and has practical significance, namely, to develop recommendations for the production of charcoal (bio-char) from plant raw materials. The object of research is the process of carbonization of plant raw materials in order to obtain charcoal (bio-char). The subject of the research is vegetable raw materials, charcoal (bio-char). In the dissertation, an important scientific and practical task is solved, which is characterized by scientific novelty and has practical significance, namely, the development of charcoal production technology (bio-char). The following scientific results were obtained in the dissertation: 1. A regression analysis of the relationship between technical and elemental analysis indicators, as well as the higher heat of combustion of 362 samples of plant raw materials for the production of biogas, charcoal, and torrefied biomass, was performed. It was established that the most closely related indicators of carbon and oxygen content are in the organic mass of plant material. It is shown that the dependence of the carbon content on the oxygen content is linear (R2=0,898), and the dependence of the atomic ratio of carbon to oxygen (C/O) on the carbon and oxygen content is quadratic (R2=0,946 and R2=0,965). Mathematical and graphical dependencies have been developed, which allow to predict with high accuracy (R2>0.849) the value of the higher heat of combustion of plant raw materials according to the data of its elemental analysis, namely: according to the content of carbon, oxygen and the atomic ratio of carbon to oxygen. 2. A regression analysis of the relationship between the indicators of technical and elemental analysis, as well as the heat of combustion of 73 charcoal samples, was carried out. It was found that the indicators of carbon and oxygen content are most closely related in the organic mass of charcoal (R2=0,987). The dependence of the atomic ratios (C/H and C/O) on the carbon and oxygen content is graded, as well as the dependence of the heat of combustion on these ratios. The prediction of the heat of combustion with the highest accuracy can be made based on the determination of the yield of volatile substances (R2=0,8002) or non-volatile carbon (R2=0,8002) in charcoal. 3. It was established that the effect of temperature on the yield of charcoal is nonlinear, and the effect of pressure on the yield of charcoal is exponential. An increase in temperature in the range from 400 to 600 oC for every 1 oC leads to a decrease in the yield of charcoal by 0,06 %. A further increase in temperature to 700 oC practically does not affect the yield of charcoal. An increase in pressure by 0,1 MPa in the range from 0,1 to 2,0 MPa leads to an increase in charcoal yield by 0,13 % for every 0,1 MPa. 4. It is shown that the effect of temperature on the release of volatile substances and the bound carbon of charcoal is nonlinear, and the effect of temperature on ash content and the highest heat of combustion of charcoal is linear. An increase in temperature in the range from 400 to 700 oC for every 1 oC leads to an increase in the ash content of charcoal by 0,0064 %, a decrease in the yield of volatile substances by 0,123 %, an increase in bound carbon by 0,122 % and an increase in the higher heat of combustion by 0,0122 MJ/kg. The influence of pressure on ash content, release of volatile substances, bound carbon and the highest heat of combustion of charcoal is non-linear. An increase in pressure from 0 to 2 MPa leads to a change in the quality of charcoal according to the following parameters: ash content from 3,1 to 3,4 %; yield of volatile substances from 17,4 to 11,6 %; bound carbon from 81,1 to 88,2 %; higher heat of combustion from 31,8 to 34,3 MJ/kg. The reliability of the theoretical results obtained in the dissertation was confirmed by experimental studies on the developed continuous operation plant for the thermal processing of plant raw materials.

Research papers

1. Мірошниченко Д.В., Малік І.К, “Визначення теплоти згоряння рослинної сировини та деревинного вугілля”, Вуглехімічний журнал, Харків, 2023, №. 2, c. 31-48. doi:10.31081/1681-309X-2023-0-2-31-48. (Б)

2. Malik I., Miroshnichenko D., Contreras Aquilino B., Hassan N., Abd ElRasoul A., “Prediction of the Higher Heating Value of Charcoal”, Petroleum and Coal, Bratislava, 2022, vol.64 (1), pp. 100-105. (Scopus, Slovakia).

3. Коваль В.В., Малік І.К., “Вплив температури та тиску піролізу на властивості біовугілля”, Вуглехімічний журнал, Харків, 2022, № 5, c. 4-15. doi:10.31081/1681-309X-2022-0-5-4-15. (Б)

4. Pyshyev S., Miroshnichenko D., Malik I., Contreras Aquilino B., Hassan N., Abd ElRasoul A., “State of the art in the production of charcoal: a review”, Chemistry & Chemical Technology, Lviv, 2021, vol. 15 (1), pp. 61-73. (Scopus, Ukraine, А). doi: 10.23939/chcht15.01.061.

5. Малік І.К., Мірошниченко Д.В., Шумейко В.М., “Розробка пристрою для піролізу вуглецевмісних матеріалів”, Вуглехімічний журнал, Харків, 2019, № 4. с. 37-43. doi:10.31081/1681-309X-2019-0-4-37-43. (Б)

6. Miroshnichenko D., Malik I., Lebedev V., Solovey L., Filenko O., Tsereniuk O., “Influence of temperature and pressure of pyrolysis on properties of charcoal”, Аbstracts of 3rd International conference on material science, smart structures and applications (ICMSS 2023), Erode, India, 2023, сhapter 59, рp. 600-608.

7. Мірошниченко Д.В., Малік І.К., “Визначення теплоти згоряння рослинної сировини та деревинного вугілля”, Матеріали VI Міжнар. науково-техн. конф. Сучасні технології переробки пальних копалин, Харків, 2023, с. 50-55.

8. Малік І.К., Мірошниченко Д.В., “Прогноз теплоти згоряння рослинної сировини за даними його елементного аналізу”, Матеріали XXX Міжнар. науково–практ. конф. (MicroCAD-2022) Інформаційні технології: наука, техніка, технологія, освіта, здоров’я, Харків, 2022, с. 450.

9. Miroshnichenko D., Malik I., “Prediction of the heats of combustion of plant raw materials based on the elemental analysis data”, Матеріали Міжнар. науково–практ. конф. присвяченої 100 річчю ХНУМГ ім. О.М. Бекетова Актуальні питання хімії та інтегрованих технологій, Харків, 2022, с. 52.

10. Miroshnichenko D., Malik I., “Prediction of the heats of combustion of plant raw materials based on the elemental analysis data”, Матеріали III Міжнар. науково–практ. конф Авіація, промисловість, суспільство, Харків, 2022, с. 79-81.

11. Miroshnichenko D.V., Malik I. K., “Prediction of the Heats of Combustion of Plant Raw Materials Based on the Elemental Analysis Data”, Матеріали V Міжнар. науково-техн. конф. Сучасні технології переробки пальних копалин, Харків–Тернопіль, 2022, с. 11-13.

12. Malik I., Miroshnichenko D., Veisberh O., “Production of charcoal”, Матеріали XXIX Міжнар. науково–практ. конф. (MicroCAD-2021) Інформаційні технології: наука, техніка, технологія, освіта, здоров’я, Харків, 2021, с. 191.

13. Мирошниченко Д.В., Малик И.К., “Прогноз теплоты сгорания растительного сырья по данным его элементного анализа”, Матеріали XVII Міжнар. науково–практ. конф. Вугільна теплоенергетика: шляхи реконструкції та розвитку, Київ, 2021, с. 17-21.

14. Malik I., Miroshnichenko D., Contreras Aquilino B., Hassan N., Abd Elrasoul A., “Prediction of the higher heating value of charcoal”, Матеріали I Інтернет-конф. молодих вчених Перспективи хімії в сучасному світі, Житомир, 2021, с. 60-61.

15. Malik I., Miroshnichenko D., Contreras Aquilino B., Hassan N., Abd ElRasoul A., “The art production of charcoal”, Матеріали IV Міжнар. науково-техн. конф. Сучасні технології переробки пальних копалин, Харків, 2021, с. 4-5.

16. Malik I., Miroshnichenko D., Veisberh O., “Production of charcoal”, Матеріали XXIV Міжнар. науково-техн. конф. Технологія-2021, Сєвєродонецьк, 2021, с. 21-22.

17. Malik I., Miroshnichenko D., “Production of charcoal”, Матеріали VII Всеукраїн. науково–практ. конф. Актуальні проблеми науково-промислового комплексу регіонів, Рубіжне, 2021, с. 15-16.

18. Малік І.К., Мірошниченко Д.В., Шумейко В.М., “Конструктивне і технологічне удосконалення піролітичних установок”, Матеріали XXVIII Міжнар. науково–практ. конф. (MicroCAD-2020) Інформаційні технології: наука, техніка, технологія, освіта, здоров’я, Харків, 2020, с. 232.

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