Avramenko A. Technology of modified starch with encapsulation of biologically active substances for food enrichment

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 181 - Харчові технології

Specialized Academic Board


National university of food technologies


The dissertation is devoted to the development of the technology of modified porous starch, the study of its physical and chemical properties, the substantiation of its suitability for encapsulation of biologically active substances and its use for the enrichment of food products. Based on the analysis of the literature, it was established that the development of technology and the use of modified resistant starch in the carrier for the encapsulation of biologically active substances with the indication of their preservation from the action of undesirable factors during the preparation of health food products is a promising direction of research. On the basis of theoretical and experimental studies, a technology of physical modification of starch has been developed, based on which starch pastes of low concentrations (5, 10%) are frozen at a temperature of -18℃ for 24 hours, followed by thawing, thawing, dehydration, grinding and drying. On the basis of experimental studies, a principle and equipment-technological scheme for the production of porous starch was developed. The developed technology for the production of modified starch was tested at the «Vymal» PBP enterprise. Research and industrial tests of the developed technology confirmed that with low capital costs it is possible to establish the production of a new type of modified starch for encapsulation of biologically active substances. The possibility of encapsulation of low-molecular-weight substances in the structure of porous starch was proved using the example of ascorbic acid and thymol. 60-77% of ascorbic acid is incorporated into the starch structure when the paste is frozen. The degree of its binding depends little on the concentration of the paste and the concentration of the acid. Modified starch enriched with ascorbic acid, obtained by freezing pastes with a concentration of 5 and 10%, better retains ascorbic acid with its surface. In general, corn starch binds ascorbic acid from solutions somewhat better than potato starch.It has been proven that the starch, which was subjected to modification by freezing, has greater resistance to enzymatic hydrolysis than the native one. The obtained research results show that with a combination of freezing-thawing stages as a result of ice formation in pastes, retrogradation of starch polysaccharides occurs with the formation of a strong structure that is not accessible to the action of amylolytic enzymes. Testing for resistance showed that porous starch is resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis and has the properties of resistant starch of the third type RS3. The most stable is the modified starch obtained from 5% starch paste.A method of obtaining powdered encapsulated hibiscus extract based on modified swelling potato starch has been developed, which can be used as a thickener, acidifier, and dye in the recipes of food concentrates, and the presence of vitamins, organic acids, flavonoids, and, especially, anthocyanins in the hibiscus extract increases the biological value of the finished product The recipe for the «Novinka» cake was developed with the replacement of 30% of wheat flour with porous resistant starch. From the research results, it can be seen that with the addition of modified resistant starch to the cake recipe, the organoleptic indicators of the finished products improve compared to the «Stolichny» cake. In addition, the use of a modified RS cake recipe reduces the glycemic index by 4.79 units, and the calorie content of the product by 41.01 kcal. The consumption of one cake weighing 100 g per day satisfies the daily need for resistant starch by 24.6%. A cake recipe was developed with the replacement of sugar in the recipe for resistant starch types with quercetin and stevia encapsulation, taken in a 1:1 ratio: one enriched with a 3% stevia solution, and the other with a 1% quercetin solution, which were introduced into 5% starch pastes . Based on the obtained data, it was established that the complete replacement of sugar with resistant starches enriched with quercetin and stevia makes it possible to obtain cakes for special dietary consumption. A resource-saving technology of low-calorie mayonnaise sauce of increased biological value was developed with the replacement of egg whites with aquafaba - a decoction of white beans and with the addition of resistant porous starch with quercetin. The rational ratio of aquafaba and vegetable oil is substantiated as (40−.60):40, which makes it possible to obtain emulsion systems with a stability of 97 ± 2%. A recipe for emulsion low-calorie sauce «Aquafaba» has been developed. The social effect of the introduction of the developed technology of low-calorie mayonnaise sauce consists in providing the population with a product of daily use of increased biological value. The reliability of the obtained experimental data is ensured by the use of modern research methods and appropriate equipment.

Research papers

Hrabovska O., Pastukh H., Avramenko A., Sabadash N. Regulation of pectin properties by combination of raw materials. Ukrainian journal of food science. 2020. Vol. 8, I. 2. Р. 260-267.

Hrabovska O., Pastukh H., Avramenko A., Sabadash N. Effect of the combined use of β-amylase and pullulanase on the carbohydrate composition of maltose syrups. Ukrainian food journal. 2021. Vol. 10. I. 4. Р. 761-773.

Грабовська О.В., Сабадаш Н.І., Авраменко А.Д., Додонова-Судьїна К.О., Пастух Г.С. Розроблення рецептурної композиції рідкого цукрозамінника на основі стевії та мальтозного сиропу для безалкогольних напоїв. Наукові праці НУХТ. 2021. Том 27, № 4. С. 141-153.

Авраменко А.Д., Грабовська О.В. Використання резистентного крохмалю у технології кексів функціонального призначення. Харчова промисловість. 2021. № 30. С. 66-77.

Грабовська О., Вітряк О., Авраменко А. Концентрат киселю з інкапсульованим екстарктом гібіскусу. Товари і ринки. 2021. Т. 40, № 4. С. 122-132.

Грабовська О., Авраменко А. Майонезний соус на основі аквафаби з інкапсульованим кверцетином. Товари і ринки. 2023. Т. 46, № 2. С. 131-147.

Авраменко А., Грабовська О. Удосконалення технології пористого крохмалю для інкапсулювання аскорбінової кислоти Prospective and priority directions of scientific research in technical and agricultural sciences: collective monograph, 2023. Р. 239-247.


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