Surinov I. Improvement of the navigational method of the ship's route planning during pilotage

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 271 - Морський та внутрішній водний транспорт****

Specialized Academic Board


National University "Odessa Maritime Academy"


The use of innovative technologies of e-navigation becomes a relevant and priority area of development of maritime transport of different types and purpose, with the modern preparation of navigators for work, for example, on automated vessels of new generation, and the use of the latest solutions to management of the vessel, provides a safe conduct vessels with a water area of the port, carrying it out in constraint waters, with complex manoeuvring. In order to achieve the set goal, the Decision Support System (DSS) was improved in the work in terms of the use of the OpenCPN navigation system. The use of the proposed solutions when preparing an improved plan is carried out by integrating the created computer plug-in called «Path Planning IS» into the OpenCPN system. Based on previous studies of the accidents’ state in port and near-port waters and analysis of their dynamics, the request for practice is substantiated as follows: 1. The need to ensure the reduction of accidents in confined navigation conditions. 2. The need to ensure a reduction in human influence on ship’s handling during maneuvering in confined navigation conditions. 3. The need to ensure the possibility of automated control of the vessel during its movement in compressed confined navigation conditions. The object of the study is the processes of marine vessels maneuvering under pilot control and movement in confined navigation conditions. The subject of research is the improvement of the methodology of planning the vessel’s route during pilotage and in confined navigation conditions. The main task is to develop methods of operational planning of the vessel’s route for navigation purposes of the trajectory points for navigation and control of its movement in confined navigation conditions. The main task is divided into three auxiliary tasks: 1. development of automated compilation (construction) of the «Vessel pilot passage plan» in confined navigation conditions, used to navigation; 2. determination of the influence of the features of the port water area, tugboats and vessels with various fuel systems and their characteristics on the principal possibility of using these additional data in the automated construction of the pilotage plan; 3. verification of the improved «Vessel pilot passage plan» and the development of prospects for its further improvement and expanded use in practice. The purpose of the study is to ensure safe maneuvering and reduce the influence of the human factor on ship control in confined navigation conditions The proposed scientific hypothesis, which is based on the possibility of ensuring safe maneuvering of the vessel in confined navigation conditions, reducing the influence of the human factor on the control of the vessel through the use of an improved vessel plan for pilotage and automated planning of the coordinates of the vessel's route, was confirmed in the dissertation research. The scientific position has been formulated, which determines that the safety of the maneuvering process in confined navigation conditions is ensured by the use of operational methods for determining the movement parameters and controlling the parameters of the ship handling process in real time, according to their planned value. The following results were achieved in the dissertation research: - for the first time, it is proposed to plan the coordinates of the movement of the vessel, which differs from the known solution by using additional mathematical processing of trajectory points according to waypoint tables with the development of management recommendations during maneuvering, which in total ensures a safer passage of the vessel in confined navigation conditions; - the method of preapration the «Vessel pilot passage plan» has been improved, which differs from the known one by introducing an additional plug-in into the ship's electronic cartographic navigation and information system, the use of which allows you to take into account the dynamic characteristics of the vessel when preparing the plan; - the method of planning the coordinates of the vessel’s trajectory during maneuvering in confined waters has been improved, which: 1) takes into account the exchange of information (pilot – captains – VTS), 2) ensures the early transmission of the recommended passage path of the ship in the form of specified waypoints, 3) processes and lists the actual route in the coordinates of the trajectory points, 4) takes into account the influence of the fuel type on maneuverability; 5) controls the movement of the vessel according to the coordinates of the trajectory points; - the method of determining the ship's coordinates during its maneuvering in confined navigation conditions received further developed, which is distinguished by the operational determination of the permissible angle of deviation, which allows to change the course to enter the line of a given safe route under existing weather conditions.

Research papers

Comparison of emergency situations during ships’ navigation under extreme conditions. Науково-технічний збірник «Судноводіння». – 2021. – №32. – С. 103–110

Surinov I., Shemonayev V. New opportunities for seafarers owing to reduction emission and arising the number of Dual fuel vessels, 2021, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 915, 012029.

Algorithms and Calculation Scheme for Planning the Way of Movement of Trajectory Point During Maneuvering for Anchoring / Surinov. // TransNav 2021. – 2021. – №15. – С. 629–638.

Maltsev, A., & Surinov, I. (2021). Improving the navigational preparation of a bridge crew for entering/leaving a port, including activities in case of emergency . Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(3 (111), 42–57.

Surinov I. Formality model of chosen appropriate tug’s service by method of balance handling forces / I. Surinov, O. Mazur, O. Onishchenko. // WATER TRANSPORT: Collection of scientific works. – 2022. – №3(35). – С. 140 – 152.

Surinov I., Shumilov D.. Cybersecurity of the Processes of Manoeuvring in Confined Waters. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 723-732, 2023.

The way to improve the accuracy of control of maneuvering of the vessel by assessing the abscissa of the center of gravity / Surinov. // Science and Education a New Dimension. Natural and Technical Sciences VIII (29), Issue:238. – 2020. – Pp. 58–62

Influence of the hydrometeorological mode in the port of Chornomorsk on the safety of navigation / Ihor Surinov. // Науково-технічний збірник «Судноводіння». – 2020. – №30. – С. 124–134.

Surinov I. Information support of operator activity in organizing the tug service / I. Surinov, V. Shemonayev, Y. Kazak. // Науково-технічний збірник «Судноводіння». – 2021. – №32. – С. 95–102.

Shemonayev V. Ship crew management in emergency on the example of a shipping company / V. Shemonayev, I. Surinov. // Науково-технічний збірник «Судноводіння». – 2021. – №32. – С. 111–119.


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