Korol A. Designing a distance-interactive environment to support parents of preschoolers with special speech needs

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 016 - Спеціальна освіта


Specialized Academic Board


Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the National Academy of Education Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation sets out the theoretical foundations for the methodology for designing the distance-interactive environment to support parents of children with special speech needs in the context of modern societal challenges. The essence of the process of supporting parents of children with special speech needs is determined as a set of activities organized by speech therapists and aimed at parental cooperation in the process of restoring the speech potential of their children. The implementation of these measures makes it possible to improve the quality of life of those families raising a child with special speech needs, by providing parents with the resources for speech development of their children, helping them to meet their own social and psychological needs. The modern forms of involvement of parents by speech therapists in interaction in the conditions of preschool education institutions were analyzed. It was determined that the optimal model of relations between the specialist and parents should be interaction through partnership, based on the latest technological solutions using the interactive potential of the information network environment and the remote capabilities offered by computer technologies. It has been established that the creation of a virtual educational space for parents of children with special educational needs and the introduction of remote forms of work provides an opportunity to transform traditional approaches to the presentation, distribution and exchange of information. There is a need to create a remote-interactive environment for continuous interaction between the therapist and parents and to include in such an environment the key applications, services and programs, such as social networks, online platforms for remote communication, online educational platforms, cloud services, messaging for personal communication and chat-bots for consulting. It has been demonstrated that the use of a remote-interactive environment supporting parents of children with special speech needs contributes to an increase in the level of readiness of parents of such children to cooperate with a speech therapist in the process of restoring their children’s speech potential, and this is a contributory factor in obtaining a successful result during speech therapy. Methodological approaches to the comprehensive study of support (systemic, procedural, humanistic, axiological, acmeological, environmental, person-centred, socio-psychological, family-oriented, and activity-interactive) and the principles of organizing the interaction of a speech therapist with parents (the principle of emotional well-being, individualization) are determined, directed towards the needs and requests of parents, with a practical orientation, systematicity and continuity, differentiation, and integration. A structural-functional model of the readiness of parents of children with special speech needs to cooperate with a speech therapist in order to restore the speech potential of their children in the conditions of a remote-interactive environment was developed. This becomes the basis for diagnosing the level and specifics of the readiness of adults (non-specialists) to cooperate with a therapist during speech therapy. An analysis of the components that make up the parents’ willingness to cooperate with a speech therapist in the speech therapy process was carried out, as we consider this the main prerequisite for the effectiveness of speech therapy with a child with special speech needs in conditions of remote interaction. Readiness to cooperate with a specialist in the process of speech therapy is similar in nature and structure to a person’s readiness for innovative activity and contains motivational, cognitive and procedural components. The component composition of parents’ readiness to cooperate with a speech therapist has been identified. In the structure of readiness, we distinguish between axiological components (a system of psychological formations of the personality, which under appropriate circumstances create appropriate moods and motivate a person to the chosen activity), acmeological components (a complex formation of value attitudes, personal qualities and properties of the subject of activity that determine the success and productivity of the chosen activity) and praxeological components (the ability of parents to act independently and interact with other subjects of activity, including the child, for the purpose of its effective organization and achievement of a common result). Each of the components of the readiness of parents of children with special speech needs to cooperate with a speech therapist in the process of restoring the speech potential of their children in the conditions of a remote-interactive environment determines a number of criteria for the readiness of parents: motivational readiness, readiness for self-improvement, and technological readiness.

Research papers

Khilya A., Korol A. Features of the Use of ICT in Speech Therapy Practice of Preschool Institutions. Society. Integration. Education. Latvia: Rezekne Academy of Technologies, 2021. Vol. 5. Р. 351–359. URL: http://journals.ru.lv/index.php/SIE/article/view/6137.

Korol A., Blashkova O., Kravchenko V., Khilya A. Web-Technologies and Multimedia Systems in the training of professionals in the education system. Environment. Technology. Resources. Latvia: Rezekne Academy of Technologies, 2021. Vol. 2. Р. 244-248. URL: http://journals.ru.lv/index.php/ETR/article/view/6570.

Korol A., Konovalchuk I., Kolosova O., Tarnavska N., Khilya A. Organization of distance learning in the Ukrainian practice of inclusive education. Environment. Technology. Resources. Latvia: Rezekne Academy of Technologies, 2023. Vol. 2. P. 156-161. URL: http://journals.rta.lv/index.php/ETR/article/view/7243.

Король А. В. Дистанційно-інтерактивні форми взаємодії логопеда з педагогами та батьками як умова підвищення результативності корекційно-розвиткового процесу. Young Scientist. 2018. № 5.2 (57.2). С. 54-56.

Король А. В. Логопедичний супровід сімей засобами інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій. Актуальні питання корекційної освіти (педагогічні науки): зб. наук. пр. / за ред. В.М. Синьова, О.В. Гаврилова. Кам’янець-Подільський: ПП Медобори-2006, 2019. С. 92–101.

Король А.В. Персональний сайт вчителя-логопеда як засіб співпраці з батьками та педагогами в закладах дошкільної освіти. Наукові записки Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського. Серія: педагогіка і психологія. Вінниця, 2020. Вип. 61. С. 40-46.

Король А. В. Чат-бот як засіб оптимізації співпраці вчителя-логопеда з батьками, педагогами та громадськістю в закладах дошкільної освіти. Наукові записки Вінницького державного педагогічного університету імені Михайла Коцюбинського. Серія: педагогіка і психологія. 2021. Вип. 65. С. 28-35.


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