Chygrina Y. Formation of methodological competence of teacher assistants in conditions of continuous education

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 016 - Спеціальна освіта


Specialized Academic Board


Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Education and Psychology of the National Academy of Education Sciences of Ukraine


The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic, defines the goal and task, object, subject of the research, outlines the methodological basis of the research. The scientific novelty, the theoretical and practical significance of the obtained results, the author's personal contribution, the approval of research results and publications are described in detail. The first chapter of the dissertation "Methodical competence of education workers as a scientific and theoretical problem" substantiates the theoretical foundations of studying the issue of the formation of methodical competence of teaching assistants in the conditions of continuous education. The analysis of scientific sources dedicated to the study of the issue was carried out, in particular, the degree of relevance and development of the given issue in the scientific and methodical literature was revealed, and it also made it possible to systematize views on key concepts related to the given problem. The author's interpretation of the concept of "methodical competence of a teaching assistant" is defined, which can be formed in the conditions of continuous education and is considered as a dynamic personality trait of a teaching assistant, which is based on the integration of knowledge, abilities, skills, values and experience, which provides the ability to provide psychological and pedagogical support students with SEN in the conditions of inclusive education based on the effective application of appropriate educational methods, techniques, technologies and tools. The essence and structure of the teaching assistant's methodical competence in the context of the main scientific approaches, which has the following components: value-motivational, cognitive, activity, personal, was investigated. The value-motivational component implies the presence of a professional motive, professional values, motivation and ability to self-improvement; cognitive includes knowledge of pedagogy and teaching methods, including children with special educational needs, critical thinking; activity is characterized by the presence of planning and organization skills, effective interaction with children with special educational needs, cooperation with the teacher, parents and other specialists; the personal component reveals self-esteem, creative potential, empathy and reflexivity. By revealing the content of the constituent components of the teaching assistant's methodological competence, the fundamental aspects of the formation of the teaching assistant's methodological competence, working in an inclusive educational environment, are described. Such fundamental aspects are awareness of the value of inclusive education, understanding of the essence of inclusion, skills of using knowledge in practice, skills of cooperation and communication with children with special educational needs, with all participants of the educational process, including with members of the psychological and pedagogical support team. In the second chapter "Pedagogical conditions for the development of methodological competence of teaching assistants", the research revealed that continuous education is the basis of the professional growth of teaching assistants and that learning should continue throughout life (lifelong learning), which is a worldwide trend that contributes to the improvement of the quality of education. The main features of lifelong education are the following: education continues throughout the life of each individual; education leads to the systematic acquisition, renewal, improvement of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which is a necessary response to the challenges and conditions of modern changing life and has the ultimate goal of promoting the self-realization of each individual; the successful implementation of the concept depends on the ability and motivation of people to participate in independent educational activities; involves acknowledging the contribution of all available educational influences, including formal and informal. On the basis of domestic normative legal acts on education, it is determined that teaching assistants can improve their qualifications in various forms, both through a professional development program and by participating in seminars, workshops, trainings, webinars, master classes, etc., as well as do internships. The work highlights and describes the main methodological approaches and principles that must be followed during the process of developing the methodological competence of teaching assistants. Such methodological approaches are andragogic, acmeological, systemic, activity and competence. The principles are: the principle of unity of three environments (educational, professional, social); the principle of openness of educational space; individual abilities of students are taken into account; principle of activity; the principle of constant support; the principle of professional motivation.

Research papers

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Баранець Я. Методологія підготовки кадрів закладів освіти з інклюзивним навчанням. Причорноморський науково-дослідний інститут економіки та інновацій. Інноваційна педагогіка. 2023. № 57. Т.1. С. 100–103.

Баранець Я. Ю., Мотуз Т. В. Сучасний стан підготовки фахівців до навчання в інклюзивному просторі. Інноваційна педагогіка. 2021. С. 66–69.

Чигріна Я. Педагогічні умови формування методичної компетентності асистентів вчителя в інклюзивному середовищі. Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання. 2023. Том 109, № 1. С. 187–200. URL:

Чигріна Я. Деякі механізми розвитку педагогічної майстерності майбутніх фахівців, що працюють в інклюзивній освіті. Молодь і ринок. 2023. № 8(216). С. 135–138. URL:

Baranets Ya. Methodological approaches to the development of pedagogical skills in an inclusive environment. Periodyk Naukowy Akademii Polonijnej, Częstochowa. 2023. 58. Nr. 3. Р. 23–27.


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