Moroz O. Reduction of thermal stresses and increasing of the service life of power equipment elements by utilizing stabilizer burners

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 144 - Теплоенергетика

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.002.99; ID 4269

National Technscal University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute".


The dissertation is devoted to the study of the influence of the variable in space and time of the high-temperature field of combustion products in the furnace space on the strength characteristics, stress-strain state, low-cycle fatigue, damage to power equipment, as well as increasing the efficiency and reliability of elements that have a high temperature by using new schemes and designs of burner devices, which also allow the use of alternative fuels. The work shows the relevance of the topic, which is related to the fact that a significant number of energy and industrial facilities - boilers, furnaces, heaters, dryers, gas turbine units, etc., used in the energy and industry of Ukraine, are characterized by significant moral and physical wear and tear, requires repair and improvement of work efficiency. An overview of the workability of metals at high temperatures, reliability of work, characteristics of metal strength at high temperatures and work in non-stationary temperature conditions, including in conditions of temperature unevenness, were analyzed. The main sources of temperature unevenness in power equipment are considered. Experimental studies were carried out using the equipment of the TAE Department and appropriate measuring equipment. Factors affecting the thermally stressed state of high-temperature equipment are considered, and a methodology for calculating the residual resource of high-temperature elements is proposed. To study the thermal state of the boiler pipelines, a 3D spatial analogue of the furnace space of the boiler unit was constructed. The modeling and analysis performed helped to prevent expensive and time-consuming experiments. A hydrogas-dynamic calculation was performed sequentially and a turbulence model was selected. Calculations were performed using the ANSYS Fluent software package. Using the developed methodology, on the basis of measured or calculated temperatures, it is possible to approximately calculate the thermal stress state of power equipment and the period of operation before destruction. The created computer model made it possible to flexibly change and obtain the appropriate temperature field in front of the nozzle. In microflare stabilizer burners, it is possible to influence the temperature profile of gases in the longitudinal and transverse sections by constructive means - by changing the pitch of the stabilizers and their width, changing (or covering) the gas supply to individual stabilizers, relative displacement of the stabilizers along and across the flow. In order to expand the use of alternative gases in energy and industry, microflare stabilizer burners for burning ballasted gas fuels were developed and researched. The method and constructions of stabilizer burner devices have been developed, which ensure an increase in the stability of the burning of ballasted fuel at a concentration of impurities from 0% to 100% (absence of fuel - supply of ballast). For this, a combined fuel supply technology is adopted, in which jets of low-reaction fuel pass through high-temperature torches and a constant process of burning of both fuels takes place, regardless of the concentration of impurities from the ballasted fuel. The power of the burner is maintained due to the increase in fuel consumption, which is fed to the stabilizing torch. The stability and length of the total flame is determined by the characteristics of the ignition flame Three variants of stabilizer burner modules with different supply schemes of alternative and stabilizing fuels have been developed. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that. - for the first time, using the ANSYS Fluent complex, a program for determining the thermal and thermal stress state of high-temperature elements of power equipment was developed; - a program for estimating the service life of high-temperature elements in stationary and variable modes was developed; - supplemented experimental data and clarified dependencies regarding the equalization of gas flow characteristics in the furnace space when using stabilizer burners; - the possibility of regulating the gas temperature field in the furnace space by changing the structural parameters of the stabilizer burners is shown; - the technology of burning ballasted low-reaction gas fuels in stabilizer burners was proposed for the first time; - models of stabilizer burners for burning alternative low-reactivity gas fuels were developed and researched for the first time; - received experimental data and obtained generalized dependencies regarding the characteristics of the working process of burning gases of different comp Key words: damage, model, repair, service life, boundary coditions, gasification, boiler, burner, jet, gas fuel, thermal stress, biomass

Research papers

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Olga Chernousenko, Leonid Butovsky, Olena Granovska, Oleg Moroz, Oleksandr Starchenko. Determining basic characteristics of stabilizer micro torch burners for the combustion of ballasted fuel gases // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies" - Еnergy-saving technologies and equipment, 5 (8) (113), pp. 51-65, 2021.

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