Miniailo N. Influence of biotic and abiotic factors and disturbance of agrolandscapes on entomological biodiversity

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 101 - Екологія


Specialized Academic Board

РСВР 073

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


The databases of the Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine, the results of the long-term phytosanitary monitoring of winter wheat crops, carried out by the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, were analyzed. The ecological and economic significance of the ecosystem services of pollination of entomophilous crops was experimentally investigated . which were carried out in agrocenoses of winter wheat (Triticum L.) common sunflower ( Heliánthus ánnuus ), winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), ordinary cucumber (Cucumis sativus) of open ground in the conditions of the Cherkasy region. An analysis of the climatic conditions of Ukraine was carried out and it was established that its climate is changing like the global climate, however, the warming in the territory of Ukraine is happening even faster than in other regions of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. It was established that since 2009, a steady decline in the diversity of insects has been noted in Ukraine. So, the calculation of the prosperity index indicator ( Legatum Prosperity Index ( LPI ) testified that its value during 2005 – 2017 decreased from 1.0 to 0.75 – a decrease of almost 25 %. In the thesis, the reaction of the populations of the harmful entomocomplex of winter wheat, which was formed on the crops before the middle of the 20th century, in response to the pressure of climate change, concerning three groups of insect species, was experimentally investigated. Researched that in the conditions of the Steppe, the number of bedbugs began to decrease significantly since 2009. In 2012, it did not reach the level of the economic threshold of harmfulness and continued to change little. A conclusion was made regarding the gradual decrease in the number of insects under conditions of climate warming in Ukraine. The author emphasized the evaluation and analysis of ecosystem services of entomological biodiversity and developed a methodology for evaluating the main ecosystem services of pollinating insects. It was determined that the structure of the group of pollinating insects of the main entomophilous agricultural crops: sunflower, buckwheat, rapeseed and cucumber in open ground at 72.4–83.1 % is represented mainly by honey bees. the author proved that the total cost of the pollination ecosystem service of only four studied entomophilous agricultural crops in Ukraine convincingly testifies to the ecological and economic relevance of preserving the biodiversity of pollinating insects. The developed Concept of ecosystem services allows to explain the crisis of the ecological state of the environment as a result of agricultural activity and complex of natural factors. The depletion of biodiversity is due to the ecological state of agrolandscapes. The influence of anthropogenic and natural factors strengthens the biodiversity crisis, as evidenced by our analysis of ecological indicators. As a result of the action of a complex of environmental factors, there is an impoverishment of biodiversity and related ecosystem services. Ecological degradation of Ukraine's environment is taking place.

Research papers

Міняйло Н. В. Методи оцінки екологічного стану агроландшафтів. Біоресурси і природокористування. 2018. Т. 10. № 3–4. С. 92–97.

Міняйло Н. В. Комплексна оцінка агроекологічного стану сільськогосподарських угідь (на прикладі Черкаської області). Біоресурси і природокористування. 2019. Т. 11. № 5–6. С. 102–107.

Міняйло Н. В., Міняйло А. А., Чайка В. М. Визначення основних екологічних чинників зникнення видів біоти в Україні. Наукові доповіді НУБіП України. 2020. № 3 (85). URL:

Чайка В. М., Лісовий М. М., Міняйло Н. В. Еколого-економічна оцінка екосистемних послуг на прикладі комах-запилювачів. Біологічні системи: теорія та інновації. 2021. Т. 12. № 2. С. 17–23.

Борзих О. І., Чайка В. М., Федоренко А. В., Борисенко В. І., Неверовська Т. М., Власенко І. С., Міняйло Н. В. Cтан шкідливого ентомокомплексу в посівах пшениці озимої в Україні за умов зміни клімату. Карантин і захист рослин. 2022. № 4. С. 10–14.

Chaika V., Lisovyy M., Ladyka M., Konotop Y., Taran N., Miniailo N., Fedorchuk S., Klymenko T., Trembitska O., Chaika S. Impact of climate change on biodiversity loss of entomofauna in agricultural landscapes of Ukraine. Journal of Central European Agriculture. 2021. № 22 (4). Р. 830–835.


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