Miedviedieva O. Justification of protection against the harmful effects of water in the rural areas of the south of Odesa region

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 192 - Будівництво та цивільна інженерія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.362.009 ID4700

Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamational of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation is a completed scientific study in which an urgent task is solved - justification of protection and minimization of the harmful effects of water within rural settlements of the south of Odesa region. The restoration of irrigation in the south of Ukraine, which is provided for by the "Strategy of Irrigation and Drainage in Ukraine for the period until 2030", requires an assessment of the condition of irrigated lands and the improvement of existing engineering systems of protection against flooding and flooding on irrigation arrays and in populated areas. At the same time, the issue of providing the population with water for drinking and household purposes is acute. If large cities are supplied with water mainly from surface sources, then rural settlements suffer from its lack, not to mention the quality. For such settlements, the only source of water supply is the first aquifers from the surface, which are exposed within them in the form of wells. In order to assess the harmful effects of water in the rural settlements of the south of Ukraine, the rural settlements of the Tatarbunar district of the Odesa region were selected, which at the end of 2020, according to the reform of the administrative-territorial system of Ukraine, was divided into four united territorial communities (UTC): Tatarbunary, Lyman, Divizia and Tuzli, and entered the created Bilhorod-Dniester district. The dissertation analyzes the main theoretical concepts and definitions of the terms "harmful action of water", "flooding", "inundation" and their interpretation in foreign publications, primarily in English-speaking countries. The main factors, causes and sources of the harmful effects of water are given. The main scientific and practical results regarding the protection of territories from flooding, inundation and the quality of water for drinking water supply are analyzed. The work presents the results of the analysis of natural (weather-climatic, tectonic, geological and hydrogeological), water management and household conditions of the southwestern part of Odesa region, their influence on the development of the agro-industrial complex and the life of the population. Long-term in-situ data of observations of the level regime and hydrochemical composition of the first aquifers from the surface of the Separate Enterprise “Black Sea center of water resources and soils"(in the past Odesa Hydrogeological and Reclamation Expedition) were analyzed, as well as data directly obtained by the prospector. The availability and efficiency of the existing drainage systems within the settlements were assessed. In the city of Tatarbunary, the presence and technical condition of hydrotechnical structures, which significantly affect flooding, were systematized. It was determined that drainage systems in settlements due to irresponsible economic activity (destruction, clogging of inspection wells, destruction of leaks) currently work unsatisfactory due to interruptions in work, which are confirmed by the lack of flow in the drainage mouths. The results of the conducted research proved the need to improve the engineering protection systems of the territory against flooding and inundation in the direction of the possibility of rapid removal of surface and underground runoff beyond the limits of non-draining depressions. The dissertation proposes an approach that allows, on the basis of the risk theory, to determine the risk zones of the occurrence of harmful effects of water within the limits of each UTC. Thus, the "risk of pollution" is determined by exceeding the MPC for several indicators of water quality: anthropogenic criterion - the content of nitrates, natural - the content of sulfates and chlorides, the indicator of mineralization; "risk of manifestation of flooding and submergence" characterizes the possibility of the occurrence and manifestation of the harmful effects of water. The proposed methodological approaches allow local communities to solve urgent water-ecological problems, issues regarding engineering protection against flooding and flooding, and improve the quality of water used for drinking purposes and economic needs. Key words: precipitation, hydrochemical state of waters, drainage, pollution, inundation, irrigation, maps, groundwater level, risks, groundwater, flooding, water quality, harmful effects of waters.

Research papers

Савчук Д.П.,Бабіцька О.А.,Харламов О.І., Котикович І.В., Землянська Д.П., Боженко Р.П., Бєліков О.М., Мєдвєдєва О.О. Підсумки натурних досліджень ефективності інженерного дренажу. Меліорація і водне господарство. Київ,2019,№1, 87-95. http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Mivg_2019_2_11

Мєдвєдєва О.О. Оцінка ефективності роботи дренажних систем у межах Десантненської сільської ради Кілійського району Одещини. Меліорація і водне господарство. Київ, 2020р., №1, с. 21-30. http://mivg.iwpim.com.ua/index.php/mivg/article/view/252

O.Miedviedieva. Manifestation of harmful effects of water in the settlements on the example Tatarbunary district of Odessa region. Bulletin of Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2021, no. 82, page 133-140. http://visnyk-odaba.org.ua/2021-82/82-15.pdf

O.Miedviedieva, O.Miedviediev. Flood as of the manifestations of harmful effects of water on the example of fourunited territorial communities of Odessa region. Bulletin of Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2022, no. 86, page 96-103. http://visnyk-odaba.org.ua/2022-86/86-11.pdf

Мєдвєдєва О., Кошлякова І., Диняк О. Гідрохімічний стан ґрунтових вод у межах міста Татарбунари Одеської області. Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. №2 (93), С.89-93, 2021. https://geology.bulletin.knu.ua/article/view/970/774

O.Miedviedieva,O.Dyniak.The problem of drinking groundwater quality within the Tatarbunary district of Odesa region. Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment: XIІІ International Scientific Conference. Kyiv, Ukraine, рр.1-5, November, 2019. https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201903233

O.Miedviedieva,O.Dyniak. The role of household activity in the context of studying the formation of groundwater in Tatarbunary. XIX International Conference “Geoinformatics theoretical and applied aspects”. Kyiv, Ukraine, рр.1-5, May, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.2020geo132

O.Miedviedieva, O.Dyniak. Manifestations of climate influence on the change of groundwater status within the Tatarbunary district of Odessa region. XIV International Scientific Conference “Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment”. Kyiv, Ukraine, рр.1-5, November, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202056072

O.Miedviedieva, O.Dyniak. Changes in the water regime and the state of water resources of the Chudniv irrigation system in the context of climate change. 20-th International Conference Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects. Kyiv, Ukraine, рр. 1-6, May, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.20215521072

O.Miedviedieva, O.Miedviediev. O.Dyniak. Changes in the depth of groundwater in the Tatarbunary, Odesa region, are a menace to the stable provision of high-quality drinking water to the population. XVI International Scientific Confer Monitorinf of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment. Kyiv, Ukraine, рр.1-5, November, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.2022580172


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