Korostylov G. Transformations of the Principles of Military Governing: Socialand Philosophical Aspect.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 033 - Філософія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.050.132-4960

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"


ABSTRACT The object of research is the principles of military Governing. The subject of the study is the transformation of the principles of military Governing. The aim of the dissertation is a socio-philosophical understanding of the principles of military Governing and their transformations under the conditions of technical-technological and information-technological changes that "generate" new types оf military conflicts and wars. For this aim it is necessary: ‒ with the help of philosophical reflection of the socio-philosophical context to identify such a phenomenon in management affairs as the principle of military Governing; ‒ relying on philosophical-historical texts and socio-philosophical analysis, to describe and record the similarities and differences between them depending on various historically large stages, from ancient to modern periods of the existence of Western European states, emphasizing the dependence of the object under investigation on the status of the state and the character its management functions, as well as to indicate possible transformations of the principles themselves; ‒ to describe and to provide a definition of the principle of military Governing in the system of philosophical knowledge, show the factors that influence the emergence and design of new principles and contribute to their transformation; to list the main ones for today, which constitute the core of military affairs; ‒ to reveal the role of engineering, technology, science and education in organizing the principles of military Governing, point out the possible trajectories of transformations under the influence of these factors; to describe the nature of the military picture of the world and its connections with the engineering picture of the world; ‒ to analyze the types of modern war, provide its main characteristics, starting from a comprehensive vision of its various types; to show the problems of modern war in the works of representatives of the philosophy of war; ‒ to reveal the meaning of ontologization and anthropology of military affairs in order to enter the cognitive meaning field of the military leader's thinking; ‒ to show the importance of innovations in education for a military engineer and, as an example, analyze the problem of the methodology of teaching electrical engineering, which is traditionally based on natural sciences. The scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in offering a philosophical reflection of the principles of military Governing, through the prism of socio-philosophical analysis, as a component of state and military Governing. The main scientific achievements of the winner are as follows: for the first time: – the definition of the principle of military governing as a philosophical category is proposed; ‒ analyzed the logic of the genesis of the principles of military Governing on the basis of historical and philosophical sources of outstanding philosophers and theorists of military affairs from the era of Antiquity to the modern period, outlined their coherent development connection with the state system, the development of education, technology, science, which act as the main factors of their genesis; ‒ the main principles that form the core of military Governing and which became the subject not only of socio-philosophical analysis, but also of such a direction in philosophy as the philosophy of war are highlighted; ‒ on the example of several principles of military Governing (scientific and technical principle, the principle of the main strike, the principle of minimization, the principle of equipping the army, the principle of planning and scientific prediction (futurological), the moral and psychological principle, the principle of motivation) the nature of modern transformational processes is shown; ‒ it is shown that the ontologization of war and the principles of military Governing are in a coherent movement with the development of a person's worldview, according to which the scientific-technical, technical-technological characteristics of society influence the content of the concept of the military picture of the world; – the connection between the ontologization and anthropologizing of war is emphasized in the process of describing the possible levels of thinking, especially under the conditions of the extreme experience of a military leader, where the extreme experience becomes a point of reference in the possibilities of visualizing and justifying the stages of thinking and analyzing its cognitive content field from this position. improved: – the idea of the impact of the scientific and technological revolution and innovative

Research papers

Список публікацій̆ здобувача

1. Korostylov H., Dolska O., Dezhong Wang D., Protsenko A., Makieshyna Y. The military-technical revolution of the XXI st century (Philosophical and analytical review). Cuestiones Politicas. 2021. Vol. 39. № 71. Pр. 858-870. (Web of Science, Venezuela).

2. Коростильов Г.Л. Генеза принципів управління військовою справою у до-модерний період: філософсько-компаративістський аналіз. Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія. 2023. №3 (58). С. 92-107. (Б).

3. Коростильов Г.Л. Філософський аналіз військово-технічної революції ХХІ століття. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В.Н. Каразіна. Серія «Теорія культури і філософія науки». 2021. № 64. С. 53-59. (Б).

4. Коростильов Г.Л. Трансформація розуміння техніки в дослідженнях Мартіна Гайдеґґера. Актуальні проблеми філософії та соціології. Науково- практичний журнал. Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія», 2022. Вип. 32. С. 53-57. (Б).

5. Коростильов Г.Л. Сучасна війна та її види: соціально-філософський аналіз. Актуальні проблеми філософії та соціології. Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія», 2023. №42. С. 48-56. (Б).

6. Korostylov H. L., Oleksenko R.I, Dolska O.O., Trynyak M.V., Nesterenko O.M.Pedagogical Skills of a New Paradigm in the European Integration Scientific and Educational Space. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020. 8 (11D). Рр. 158‒172 (USA).

7. Коростылев Г.Л. Принципы военного управления в Украине: традиции и новации. Management, business, technologies, innovation: trends and challenges. Marijampolės kolegija verslo ir technologijų fakultetas. 2021. 20 мая. С. 128-134 (Lithuania).

8. Коростильов Г. Л., Дольська О. О. Трансформації математичного інструментарію при викладанні електротехніки (філософсько-методологічні зауваження). Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Серія: Актуальні проблеми розвитку українського суспільства. Харків, 2022. № 1. С.11-17.

LIST OF THE APPLICANT'S PUBLICATIONS Articles in publications that are included in the Web of Science scientific-metric database:

1. Korostylov H., Dolska O., Dezhong Wang D., Protsenko A., Makieshyna Y. The military-technical revolution of the XXI st century (Philosophical and analytical review). Cuestiones Politicas. 2021. Vol. 39. № 71. Pр. 858-870 (Web of Science, Venezuela), (А).

Articles in scientific journals included in the list of specialized scientific publications of Ukraine:

2. Korostylov H.L. Heneza pryntsypiv upravlinnia viiskovoiu spravoiu u domodernyi period: filosofsko-komparatyvistskyi analiz. Visnyk Natsionalnoho yurydychnoho universytetu imeni Yaroslava Mudroho. Seriia: filosofiia, filosofiia prava, politolohiia, sotsiolohiia, 2023. №3 (58). S. 92-107 (B).

3. Korostylov H.L. Suchasna viina ta yii vydy: sotsialno-filosofskyi analiz. Aktualni problemy filosofii ta sotsiolohii. Natsionalnyi universytet «Odeska yurydychna akademiia», 2023. №42. S. 48–56 (B).

4. Korostylov H.L. Filosofskyi analiz viiskovo-tekhnichnoi revoliutsii XXI stolittia. Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V.N. Karazina. Seriia «Teoriia kultury i filosofiia nauky», 2021. № 64. S. 53-59 (B).

5. Korostylov H.L. Transformatsiia rozuminnia tekhniky v doslidzhenniakh Martina Haideggera.Aktualni problemy filosofii ta sotsiolohii. : Naukovo- pratychnyi zhurnal. Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrainy; Natsionalnyi universytet «Odeska yurydychna akademiia», 2022. Vyp. 32. S. 53-57 (B).

Foreign publications:

6. Korostylov H. L., Oleksenko R.I, Dolska O. O., Trynyak M. V., Nesterenko O. M. Pedagogical Skills of a New Paradigm in the European Integration Scientific and Educational Space. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020. 8 (11D). Рр. 158-172 ( USA).

7. Korostylev H. L. Pryntsyp voennoho upravlenyia v Ukrayne: tradytsyy y novatsyy. Management, business, technologies, innovation: trends and challenges. Marijampolės kolegija verslo ir technologijų fakultetas. 2021. 20 maia. S. 128-134 (Lithuania).

Scientific works testifying to the approbation of the thesis materials: Published works of approbation nature:

8. Korostylov G.L., Dolska O.O. Transformations of mathematical tools in teaching electrical engineering (philosophical and methodological remarks). Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: Actual problems of the development of Ukrainian society. No. 1. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" 2022. P. 11-17.


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