Zaika D. Correction and resocialization of persons convicted of crimes against public order and morality, in Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 081 - Право


Specialized Academic Board

ID 5028

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs


The dissertation examines the historical-philosophical evolution of correction and resocialization as processes, proposes a periodization of the domestic history of the development of correction and resocialization of convicts, which consists of four main stages: 1) Punitive period (from the first mentions - 1588), characterized by the dominance of lex talionis (principle of talion), blood revenge and unjustified cruelty. Correction is not the goal of punishment, the fight against recidivism and organized crime is achieved through force and fear. Resocialization of convicts was not carried out. 2) Delimitation period (1588–1917), characterized by the appearance of signs of a complete system of imposing and carrying out punishments, equipped places of deprivation of liberty, and the state's attempt, together with the application of punishment, to isolate the criminal from society without the goal of his correction and/or resocialization. 3) Repressive period (1917–1953), during which the penitentiary system was neither aimed at seclusion nor at the correction of convicts and had mostly the functions of punishment, intimidation, and physical removal. The period is characterized by the declarative provision of human and citizen rights and freedoms and their actual neglect. 4) Reorganization period (1953 - present time) change in attitude towards convicts, emergence and development of new theories of correction and resocialization, humanization of criminal law, development of punishments alternative to deprivation of liberty, decriminalization, wide application of social rehabilitation programs, tendency to decrease the number of "prisoners. The dissertation author conducted a simultaneous comparative legal analysis of such terms as "correction", "correction", "education", "re-education", "resocialization", "social adaptation", "reintegration", "social rehabilitation". The content of each of them was studied separately and in comparison with others, the limits of action were determined. In view of the overlap in the content of social rehabilitation with correction (correction) and resocialization of convicts, the draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments and Additions to the Criminal Legislation of Ukraine (Regarding the Terminological Improvement of the Legislation of Ukraine on Criminal Responsibility)" was proposed with the aim of unifying domestic legislation in accordance with international legal norms, where instead of "correction" and "resocialization" of convicts, the concepts of "social rehabilitation" and "reintegration" are used. The work provides a description of the international and foreign experience of correction and resocialization of convicts, offers a comparative analysis of the international legal regulation of correction and resocialization of convicts at the global and European levels, and analyzes advanced practices of handling convicts. The regulatory and legal regulation and doctrinal provisions of the penitentiary systems of the world were studied, with their distribution on: 1) the countries of the former USSR; 2) countries of the European region; 3) countries of the American region; 4) countries of the Asia-Pacific and African regions. It has been established that most countries of the world define correction and resocialization as the main goal of influencing the convict, the positive achievements of each of the studied groups of penitentiary systems are singled out. The criminal-legal, criminological and criminal-executive characteristics of persons convicted of crimes against public order and morality in Ukraine were studied. The data of previous studies were summarized and supplemented with the materials of verdicts of recent years, the characteristics of crimes under Art. 301-1, 301-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. An analysis of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of crime in the sphere of public order and morality for the years 2011-2021 on the territory of Ukraine was carried out. It was established that, according to the schedule of the number of sentenced sentences, the dynamics of crime is characterized by a general downward trend.

Research papers

Денисов С. Ф., Заїка Д. Є. Міжнародно-правові стандарти щодо виправлення та ресоціалізації засуджених. Вісник пенітенціарної асоціації України. 2021. №1. С. 49-66.

Денисов С. Ф., Заїка Д. Є. Виправлення та ресоціалізація засуджених на території України у ХІХ-ХХ століттях : теоретичний і практичний аспекти. Проблеми законності. 2021. Вип.153. С. 131-154.

Денисов С. Ф., Заїка Д. Є. Виправлення та ресоціалізація засуджених та суміжні поняття. Проблеми законності. 2021. № 155. С. 182-207.

Денисов С. Ф., Заїка Д. Є. Злочини проти громадського порядку: кримінологічна характеристика та питання запобігання національною поліцією України. Українська поліцеїстика: теорія, законодавство, практика. 2022. № 1(3). С. 99-115.

Денисов С. Ф., Свірін М. О., Заїка Д. Є. Дослідження змісту наглядової пробації в Україні. Наука і правоохорона. ДНДІ МВС України. 2022. Вип. № 2(56). С. 166-175.

Денисов С. Ф., Заїка Д. Є. Дострокове звільнення засуджених до позбавлення волі з метою залучення до участі в бойових діях. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка. 2022. № 3. С. 75-86.

Денисов С. Ф., Заїка Д. Є. Дослідження особливостей правового регулювання пробації в Україні. Вісник Асоціації кримінального права України. Харків. 2022. Вип. 2(18). С. 69-94.

Бочелюк Й. В., Денисов С. Ф., Заїка Д. Є. Зміст та особливості проведення корекційної роботи із засудженими за злочини проти громадського порядку та моральності. Вісник кримінологічної асоціації України. 2023. № 2 (29). С. 145-166.

Dryomin V., Denysov S., Palchenkova V., Zaika D. Legal Regulation Features of Convicted Persons Correction and Resocialization in Foreign Countries. Pakistan Journal of Criminology. 2023. Vol. 15. № 2. P. 147-164.

Заїка Д. Є. Кримінологічна характеристика осіб, засуджених за злочини проти моральності. Вісник кримінологічної асоціації України. 2023. № 3 (30). С. 86-105.


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